What are shared examples RSpec?

What are shared examples RSpec?

RSpec shared examples can be used to DRY up your code and make testing easier. After all, their purpose is to make test examples reusable. The most valuable shared examples are highly general and portable, meaning there isn’t much context required, and they can be used in many of your tests.

What is Shared_examples?

Shared examples let you describe behaviour of classes or modules. When declared, a shared group’s content is stored. It is only realized in the context of. another example group, which provides any context the shared group needs to.

What is subject RSpec?

3. 232. Summary: RSpec’s subject is a special variable that refers to the object being tested. Expectations can be set on it implicitly, which supports one-line examples. It is clear to the reader in some idiomatic cases, but is otherwise hard to understand and should be avoided.

What is Shared_context in RSpec?

RSpec features a #shared_context method, where you can define variables, instance variables, methods, etc. inside its block that your upcoming tests should share. We can then inject that context into example groups with the, you guessed it, #include_context method.

What is Include_context?

include_context . When implicitly including shared contexts via matching metadata, the normal way is to define matching metadata on an example group, in which case the context is included in the entire group. However, you also have the option to include it in an individual example instead.

Do not use should when describing your tests?

Don’t use should Do not use should when describing your tests. Use the third person in the present tense. Even better start using the new expectation syntax. See the should_not gem for a way to enforce this in RSpec and the should_clean gem for a way to clean up existing RSpec examples that begin with ‘should.

What is shared context?

Shared context occurs when people or people and machines collaboratively and interactively solve problems. Shared context contains knowledge about the problem at hand and background and common-sense knowledge.

What does bundle exec RSpec do?

This command executes the command, making all gems specified in the Gemfile(5) available to require in Ruby programs. Essentially, if you would normally have run something like rspec spec/my_spec.

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