What are the 7 principles of sustainable procurement?

What are the 7 principles of sustainable procurement?

Our Core Principles of Sustainable Procurement

  • Human Rights.
  • Compliance with Applicable International, National, State and Local Laws.
  • Forced or Compulsory Labor.
  • Child Labor.
  • Equality and Diversity.
  • Employee Well-Being and Development.
  • Disciplinary Practices.
  • Freedom of Association.

What is sustainable procurement plan?

Sustainable procurement aims to deliver real long-term value to the organisation, individual and end user. It is concerned with understanding and assessing the effects of goods, works and services and then taking steps to reduce any negative effects and promote benefits when feasible.

What are the steps involved in implementing sustainable procurement?

Sustainability in procurement – 5 practical steps to more sustainable procurement

  • Identify which supply chain related regulations affect your company:
  • Create and assess suppliers against a code of conduct:
  • Develop a consistent approach for more responsible supplier assessment.
  • Utilise assessment information.

What is the objective of sustainable procurement?

Sustainable procurement aims to promote conservation and responsible management of resources by using renewable or recycled materials wherever possible and reducing waste.

What is green procurement example?

Green procurement programs may be as simple as purchasing renewable energy or recycled office paper or more involved such as setting environmental requirements for suppliers and contractors. They can also assist countries in meeting multi-lateral requirements such as the Kyoto Protocol and Rotterdam Convention.

What are the green procurement principles?

The 10 primary principles of sustainable procurement

  • Using procurement to deliver sustainable outcomes.
  • Focus on impacts material to the procurer.
  • ‘Sustainable supply’ not ‘sustainable supplier’
  • Not one-size-fits-all.
  • Manage demand.
  • Embedding sustainability into current procurement practice.
  • Tier one is not the only one.

Who is responsible for sustainable procurement?

Sustainable procurement is the responsibility of the entire organisation and not only of the procurement department. Sustainable procurement starts with sustainable management: the manager sets the ambition and goals.

What are the three spheres of sustainability?

The systems approach to sustainability (Passet, 1979) highlights the interdependence of three “spheres” or classes of system: the economic, the social and the environmental.

What six steps are recommended in the Sustainable Procurement Guide?

energy consumption • greenhouse gas emissions • reduction of waste • use of recycled products • reduction in hazardous substances • packaging • end-of-life recycling. Value for money is not simply the lowest price.

What are the main barriers to achieving sustainable procurement?

What are the eight barriers to procurement transformation?

  • Stakeholder resistance to change.
  • Procurement staff deficiency in critical skills.
  • Organisational complexity.
  • Overcommitment of initiatives.
  • Data-related issues, such as poor quality and security of governance.
  • Inadequate use of funding or resources.

Is adoption of green procurement in government entities mandatory?

The Public Procurement Disposal Act (PPDA) of 2005 is however silent on green procurement. This means that there is no legislative mandate in Kenya for public or private entities to adopt green procurement measures. Any such adoptions are voluntary and driven by other factors other than legislation.

What is the Sustainable procurement Task Force?

The Sustainable Procurement Task Force was established in May 2005 and was given one year in which to deliver the National Action Plan.

What is the National Action Plan for procurement?

The National Action Plan gives government a clear direction on how to make real progress toward better, more sustainable procurement which will in turn allow it to move forward on sustainable development and set an example both to business and consumers in the UK and to other countries.

What is the UK Government’s sustainable procurement action plan?

1.3 This document is the UK Government’s Sustainable Procurement Action Plan. It describes in detail the actions to be taken collectively by Government and individually by Departments to achieve that goal. It points to further work planned in the wider public sector and through the Comprehensive Spending Review.

What can we do to promote sustainable public procurement?

At an international level there are various sustainable procurement initiatives, aimed at public authorities, that support this drive; CARPE, Procura+, LEAP, the International Green Purchasing Network and the recently established Marrakech Task Force on Sustainable Public Procurement led by Switzerland.

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