What are weld maps?

What are weld maps?

A weld map is a version of the drawing used to number each of the welds or joints contained within it. The process of numbering or annotating each weld’s location is what turns the standard drawing into a map. The benefit of the weld map is that it creates the weld’s visual position on the map.

What is a weld log?

Traditionally, operators have used a “weld log”- a paper sheet with fields for data points on each weld. This concept of a worksheet filled with fields on a repetitive, manual task is common across many other documents in a production environment, not only the welding industry.

What information usually is entered into a weld log?

These records list weld information such as a unique number for each weld, the welder who welded it and the type of inspection and the date it was carried out. The weld number and the welder’s identification number is also recorded on the pipe beside the actual weld.

How are welds tested?

Welds can be tested by destructive and non-destructive techniques. Most production is tested by use of non-destructive methods. The most common non-destructive tests to check welds are Visual Inspection, Liquid Penetrant, Magnetic Particle, Eddy Current, Ultrasonic, Acoustic Emission and Radiography.

What is a PQR welding?

The procedures for creating and testing the sample welds, as well as the final results, are documented on a Procedure Qualification Record, or PQR. In short, a PQR serves as evidence that a given WPS can, in fact, be used to produce an acceptable weld.

What is weld traceability?

Weld Traceability Marked up drawings (eg. weld maps) detailing all welded joint locations and weld identification numbers shall be provided by the Contractor with corresponding weld traceability records on all welding work, except for Structural Welding classified as AS/NZS 1554.1 GP.

What does BS stand for in welding?

6 British Standards (BS) 7 International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Standards. 8 European Union (CEN) standards. 9 German Standards (DIN and others) 10 See also.

How thick should a weld be?

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Base metal thickness (T)a Minimum size of fillet weldb
in mm in
1/4 < T < 1/2 6 < T < 12 3/16
1/2 < T < 3/4 12 < T < 20 1/4
¾ < T 20 < T 5/16

What is a weld sample?

The welded sample is first inspected for any visual discontinuities and then sectioned, and two small samples removed at predetermined locations. These small samples are polished across their cross-section and then etched using some type of mild acid mixture, dependent on the base material used.

What is a weld map used for?

Weld Map A weld map is a version of the drawing used to number each of the welds or joints contained within it. The process of numbering or annotating each weld’s location is what turns the standard drawing into a map. See the weld map example below; this example includes nine welds and two segments or piping spools.

What are the different types of welding mapping?

Depending on the industry, client, specifications, codes, and company quality program, other forms of mapping may be used or required on a project. These different types of mapping may include heat number mapping, thickness mapping, or welding procedure specification (WPS) mapping.

What is the difference between Weld map and Weld log?

Terms & Definitions 1 Weld Map: Drawing upon which welds or joints are numbered creating a visual map 2 Weld Mapping: The process of numbering or annotating the welds on a drawing 3 Weld Log: A table style document that contains data in rows and columns. Weld log rows correspond to the numbered joints on the weld map.

What are the different types of WPS used in welding?

Another example of this weld can be made by numbering the weld seam and then referencing these weld seams along with their respective WPS in a table. The WPS 01 will be used for longitudinal and circumferential joints of the vessel. The WPS 02 will be used for dish head to shell joints. The WPS 03 will be used for boot welds.

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