What are Zoroastrianism basic beliefs?

What are Zoroastrianism basic beliefs?

Theology. Zoroastrians believe that there is one universal, transcendent, all-good, and uncreated supreme creator deity, Ahura Mazda, or the “Wise Lord” (Ahura meaning “Lord” and Mazda meaning “Wisdom” in Avestan).

What is the Zoroastrian motto?

Zoroastrians believe people are free to choose between good and bad. Choosing good will lead to happiness, and choosing bad will lead to unhappiness. So it is the best to choose good. Therefore, the motto of the religion is “Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds”.

What are two important beliefs of Zoroastrianism?

Zoroastrian beliefs about God

  • Omniscient (knows everything)
  • Omnipotent (all powerful)
  • Omnipresent (is everywhere)
  • Impossible for humans to conceive.
  • Unchanging.
  • The Creator of life.
  • The Source of all goodness and happiness.

What are 3 facts about Zoroastrianism?

Zoroastrianism at a glance

  • Zoroastrians believe there is one God called Ahura Mazda (Wise Lord) and He created the world.
  • Zoroastrians are not fire-worshippers, as some Westerners wrongly believe.
  • Ahura Mazda revealed the truth through the Prophet, Zoroaster.
  • Zoroastrians traditionally pray several times a day.

What makes Zoroastrianism special?

Zoroastrianism is one of the world’s oldest monotheistic religions, having originated in ancient Persia. It contains both monotheistic and dualistic elements, and many scholars believe Zoroastrianism influenced the belief systems of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

What are the main beliefs of Zoroastrianism?

Belief in polytheism. While Zoroastrians worship Ahura Mazda as the highest and supreme God, they also believe in the existence of a number of divinities who represent His good qualities and who assist Him in containing the evil in the material world.

What is the best book on Zoroastrianism?

Zoroastrians: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices Psychology Press, 2001 ISBN 0415239028, p. 84 ^ Dr Stephen H Rapp Jr. The Sasanian World through Georgian Eyes: Caucasia and the Iranian Commonwealth in Late Antique Georgian Literature Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 28 September 2014. ISBN 1472425529, p. 160 ^ Ronald Grigor Suny.

Who is the founder of Zoroastrianism?

Zoroaster The prophet Zoroaster (Zarathrustra in ancient Persian) is regarded as the founder of Zoroastrianism, which is arguably the world’s oldest monotheistic faith. Most of what is known about Zoroaster comes from the Avesta—a collection of Zoroastrian religious scriptures. It’s unclear exactly when Zoroaster may have lived.

Who are Yazatas in Zoroastrianism?

Together with human beings, the Yazatas are the hamkars or helpers of Ahura Mazda. Zoroastrianism views the world as having been created by Ahura Mazda and as meant to evolve to perfection according to the law or plan of Asha, the divine order of things.

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