What city is in ZIP code 33028?

What city is in ZIP code 33028?

ZIP Code 33028

Post Office City: Pembroke Pines, FL (View All Cities)
County: Broward County
Timezone: Eastern (10:45am)
Area code: 754 (Area Code Map)
Coordinates: 26.02, -80.34 ZIP (~2 mile radius)

What city is ZIP code 33027 in?

Miramar, FL
Pembroke Pines, FL

Where is zip33025?


What is the zip code for Cooper City FL?

Cooper City/Zip codes

What city has the zip code 33025?

ZIP Code 33025

Post Office City: Hollywood, FL (View All Cities)
County: Broward County
Timezone: Eastern (11:07pm)
Area code: 754 (Area Code Map)
Coordinates: 25.98, -80.28 ZIP (~2 mile radius)

What country code is 305?

Miami, Florida
Area code 305 and 786 are the area codes for all of Miami, Florida, Miami-Dade County, and the part of Monroe County in the Florida Keys in the United States….External links.

North: 754/954
West: 239 area code 305/786 East: 242
South: +53 in Cuba
Bahamas area codes: 242

What county is 33328 zip code?

Broward County

What are the demographics of Oklahoma?

Demographics of Oklahoma 1 Population. The United States Census Bureau estimates that the population of Oklahoma was 3,911,338 on July 1, 2015, a 4.26% increase since the 2010 United States Census. 2 Gender. 3 Race and Ethnicity. 4 Education. 5 Cities and towns. 6 Housing. 7 Finance. 8 Birth data. 9 References.

What percentage of Oklahoma’s population is foreign-born?

This is lower than the national figure (about 12.5% of U.S. residents were foreign-born). The state is in the U.S. Census’ Southern region. According to the 2020 United States Census, Oklahoma is the 28th-most populous state with 3,963,516 inhabitants but the 19th-largest by land area spanning 68,594.92 square miles (177,660.0 km 2) of land.

What percentage of Oklahomans are Hispanic?

Major ancestry groups of the Hispanic population include: 7.1% Mexican, 0.3% Puerto Rican, 0.2% Spanish, 0.2% Guatemalan, 0.1% Salvadoran, 0.1% Cuban . An estimated 7.4 percent of Oklahomans are African American.

What is the population of Oklahoma in 2012?

The United States Census Bureau estimates that the population of Oklahoma was 3,814,820 on July 1, 2012, a 1.7% increase since the 2010 United States Census.

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