What city is this zip code 19002?

What city is this zip code 19002?

ZIP Code 19002

Post Office City: Ambler, PA (View All Cities)
County: Montgomery County
Timezone: Eastern (3:21pm)
Coordinates: 40.18, -75.22 ZIP (~5 mile radius)

What county is ZIP code 19002 in?

Montgomery County

What zip code is 19025?


Is Ambler PA a safe place to live?

The chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime in Ambler is 1 in 67. Based on FBI crime data, Ambler is not one of the safest communities in America. Relative to Pennsylvania, Ambler has a crime rate that is higher than 66% of the state’s cities and towns of all sizes.

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Is Ambler a bad neighborhood?

Ambler is in the 97th percentile for safety, meaning 3% of cities are safer and 97% of cities are more dangerous. The rate of crime in Ambler is 9.07 per 1,000 residents during a standard year. People who live in Ambler generally consider the east part of the city to be the safest.

What is it like to live in Ambler PA?

Living in Ambler offers residents an urban suburban mix feel and most residents own their homes. In Ambler there are a lot of coffee shops and parks. Many families and young professionals live in Ambler and residents tend to be liberal. The public schools in Ambler are highly rated.

What state has the most ZIP codes?

California is the state with most zip codes in the list, San Francisco leads for cities. The Golden State is followed by New York, which features 19 zip codes in our ranking. Besides California, New York, and Florida, 8 other states managed to break into the top. Washington, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Jersey each have 2 zip codes featured while Colorado, Nevada, Maryland, and Hawaii rank with 1 zip code each.

How to find a ZIP code by address?

Visit our Single Address Validation Demo.

  • Under “Lookup Type” select “city/state or ZIP Code”.
  • Enter the desired ZIP Code OR City and State. For this example,we will use Wisconsin Dells,Wisconsin.
  • Click “View Results”
  • Your results will appear. Click the “Show more details ↓” link.
  • In the “Output Fields” section below the map,you will see the default county name “Columbia” and FIPS Code “55021” listed.
  • In the “Alternate Counties” section,you will see “Adams,Juneau,and Sauk”. These are the three additional counties into which Wisconsin Dells divides.
  • In order to see the alternate county FIPS Codes,click “Show Raw Output”.
  • The additional FIPS Code will show under the Alternate Counts section of the code.
  • How do you find city by ZIP code?

    The simplest way to locate a ZIP code is by using the United States Postal Service website. The USPS has a simple online ZIP code locator tool. Enter the city and state and you’ll get a list of possible ZIP codes.

    Do zip codes cross States?

    Yes they can and do, however, this is not the norm. ZIP Codes rarely cross state lines but do more frequently cross county lines. You can see this yourself by viewing a ZIP code map. The reason for this is that ZIP Codes are service delivery areas and do not necessarily need to adhere to other geopolitical boundaries.

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