What do Uranus moons look like?

What do Uranus moons look like?

They’re tiny—as little as 12-16 km (8-10 miles) across, and blacker than asphalt. And of course, they’re about 2.9 billion km (1.8 billion miles) away from the Sun. All of Uranus’s inner moons (those observed by Voyager 2) appear to be roughly half water ice and half rock.

How many moons are around Uranus?

Read More

Planet / Dwarf Planet Confirmed Moons Total
Uranus 27 27
Neptune 14 14
Dwarf Planets
Pluto 5 5

How old are Uranus moons?

William Herschel discovered the first two moons, Titania and Oberon, in 1787. The other three ellipsoidal moons were discovered in 1851 by William Lassell (Ariel and Umbriel) and in 1948 by Gerard Kuiper (Miranda).

What is Uranus true color?

Uranus is blue-green in color, as a result of the methane in its mostly hydrogen-helium atmosphere.

How many moons does Uranus have?

As of 2014, 27 moons are known to orbit Uranus. Uranus and its five major moons are depicted in this montage of images acquired by the Voyager 2 spacecraft during its January 1986 flyby of the planet. The moons, counterclockwise from bottom right, are Ariel, Miranda, Titania, Oberon and Umbriel.

How did Uranus’moons get their names?

While most of the satellites orbiting other planets take their names from ancient mythologies, Uranus’ moons are unique in being named for Shakespearean characters, along with a couple of the moons being named for characters from the works of Alexander Pope.

What do the moons of Uranian planets look like?

The moons show increasingly complex surface features closer to the planet. The next moon out from Miranda, Ariel, is the brightest of the Uranian moons, and has the highest density (1.65 g/cm 3 ). Umbriel is the darkest of the Uranian moons, and has an icy crust pockmarked by craters.

What are the bright splotches on Uranus?

The moon Miranda is to the upper left of Uranus, and the moon Puck is a faint smudge to the upper right. The bright splotches on Uranus’ disk are clouds. The two sides of the planet Uranus, as viewed in this composite image by the Keck II Telescope at near infrared wavelengths. The bright splotches are clouds.

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