What does Clbp mean?

What does Clbp mean?


Acronym Definition
CLBP Chronic Low Back Pain
CLBP Color Laser Beam Printer (Canon)
CLBP Contact Lenses by Post (Dolland & Aitchison UK)
CLBP Cardiotoxin-Like Basic Protein

What is the medical term for low back pain?

Understanding Low Back Pain (Lumbago)

What defines chronic low back pain?

Definition. Low back pain is pain, muscle tension, or stiffness localized below the costal margin and above the inferior gluteal folds, with or without sciatica, and is defined as chronic when it persists for 12 weeks or more.

What causes lumbago?

Lumbago can be caused from several factors, but the main reason is the overuse of the lower back and the sudden lifting of a heavy load. Lumbago can be the result of excessive bending or other repetitive motions involving the lower back. Osteoarthritis and spinal arthritis (spondylosis) can be factors.

What is the most common reason for chronic low back pain?

Most commonly, mechanical issues and soft-tissue injuries are the cause of low back pain. These injuries can include damage to the intervertebral discs, compression of nerve roots, and improper movement of the spinal joints. The single most common cause of lower back pain is a torn or pulled muscle and/or ligament.

What does chief complaint mean in medical terms?

Advertisement. A Chief complaint is the medical term used to describe the primary problem of the patient that led the patient to seek medical attention and of which they are most concerned.

What does comprehensive mean in medical terms?

Comprehensive coverage – also known as major medical health insurance – refers to plans that cover a wide range of health services (i.e., not a limited-benefit plan or supplemental policy).

What is LBP in medical terms?

Lbp | definition of lbp by Medical dictionary. lbp 1 abbreviation for low back pain. 2 abbreviation for low blood pressure. Patient discussion about lbp Q. I have a low back pain that radiates to my leg when i pick up stuff.

What does CPAP mean in medical dictionary?

CPAP: Continuous positive airway pressure. CPAP is an effective treatment for moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea.

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