What does idiosyncratic mean in English?

What does idiosyncratic mean in English?

(ɪdioʊsɪŋkrætɪk ) adjective. If you describe someone’s actions or characteristics as idiosyncratic, you mean that they are rather unusual.

What is idiom and examples?

Idioms exist in every language. They are words or phrases that aren’t meant to be taken literally. For example, if you say someone has “cold feet,” it doesn’t mean their toes are actually cold. Rather, it means they’re nervous about something. Idioms can’t be deduced merely by studying the words in the phrase.

How do you use the word idiosyncrasy?

Idiosyncrasy in a Sentence ?

  1. Her worst idiosyncrasy involved repeating back every word that was said to her.
  2. While my father had many peculiar habits, his biggest idiosyncrasy was collecting his own toenail clippings.
  3. Your idiosyncrasy of always wearing a red hat makes you look ridiculous ?

What part of speech is idiosyncrasy?


part of speech: noun
definition 2: a particular aspect of an individual’s physiology, esp. an allergy or susceptibility to a drug.
related words: aberration, abnormality, caprice, manner, trait, warp
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
derivations: idiosyncratic (adj.), idiosyncratically (adv.)

What does the idiom end of my rope mean?

: a state in which one is not able to deal with a problem, difficult situation, etc., any longer It was clear from her outburst that she was at the end of her rope. I’m at the end of my rope.

What is plural for chimney?

noun. Save Word. chim·​ney | \ ˈchim-nē \ plural chimneys.

What is the meaning of once in a blue moon?

To do something “once in a blue moon” is to do it very rarely: “That company puts on a good performance only once in a blue moon.” The phrase refers to the appearance of a second full moon within a calendar month, which actually happens about every thirty-two months. …

What does idiosyncratic personality mean?

Idiosyncratic means unique to an individual. Albert Einstein famously had lots of idiosyncratic habits. One thing that Einstein definitely wasn’t was an idiot. Yet idiosyncratic and idiot are related. Idio is ancient Greek for “one’s own.” An idiosyncratic person is someone who does things in his own way.

How do you use idiosyncratic in a sentence?

Idiosyncratic in a Sentence ?

  1. The strange bird let out a high-pitched sound that is idiosyncratic to its species.
  2. Because she wore top hats and bright colored suits to the grocery store, Wilma was well-known for her idiosyncratic appearance.

What is the opposite of ignominy?

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms ignominy. Antonyms: credit, reputation, honor, distinction, glory, lustre, renown. Synonyms: disgrace, reprobation, shame, reproach, contempt, dishonor, infamy, obloquy.

What does the idiom bite the dust mean?

Literally, to fall face down in the dirt; to suffer a defeat: “Once again, the champion wins, and another contender bites the dust.”

What is the plural of idiosyncrasy?

The plural form of idiosyncrasy is idiosyncrasies.

What is idiosyncratic style?

Definition of idiosyncratic style from theCollins English Dictionary. New from Collins. Apr 02, 2021. bunraku. a Japanese form of puppet theatre in which the puppets are usually about four feet high, with moving features as well as limbs and each puppet is manipulated by up to three puppeteers who remain onstage.

What are idiosyncratic phrases?

Idiosyncratic language occurs when the child uses standard words or phrases in an unusual, but meaningful way (Volden & Lord, 1991). These unusual utterances include pedantic speech, in which the child uses overly specific details.

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