What does it mean when a guy lies about their age?

What does it mean when a guy lies about their age?

Maybe he’s young and wants to hide it, making himself seem “older”. When people do this, it’s usually when they’re pretty mature for their age, but don’t look their age. If he’s older, and gave you a younger age, maybe he looks younger and doesn’t want to reveal his true age due to a number of reasons.

Why do people lie about their age?

Reasons folks lie about their age include: “I lie about my age because I like talking to older women. None of them take me seriously when they know exactly how much younger I am then them.” “I lie about my age online because guys actually treat me how I want to be treated.” “I lie about my age so I can fit in at work.

Is lying about your age a big deal?

Lying about one’s age is considered socially acceptable, as is declaring the fact that your age is nobody’s business. This is interesting, given that perfidy and telling people to “butt out” are usually regarded as graceless gestures when applied to other situations.

Why did a guy tell me his age?

He wants you to know his age so that he can tell early on if it will be an obstacle to a relationship. If he informs you that he is 35 and you are subsequently cool to him when the two of you talk, he will know that his age is the issue (or one of the issues).

Why would a older guy lie about his age?

Men usually lie it upwards to appear more mature. It’s all about fitting the deeply ingrained stereotype of “women tend to prefer more mature men, men tend to prefer younger women.” Both lies are objectively silly.

Is lying about your age illegal in a relationship?

No, it is not illegal to lie, unless you are underage.

Is lying about your age catfishing?

No. Catfishing is a cruel trick, where someone lies about who they are in order to trick a person into having serious feelings for them; and then they disappear. Lying about your age is just lying about your age.

What do you do if someone lies about your age?

The best you can do now is, tell the truth – apologize for not telling him sooner, and try to explain why you did not tell the truth. He might appreciate you coming clean – but don’t be surprised if he thinks you are superficial – since you don’t like how men your age look.

How do you get an older guy to like you?

How To Attract Older Men

  1. Take Care of Yourself.
  2. Get to Know His History.
  3. Give Your Relationship Some Privacy.
  4. Get Ready for Some Baggage.
  5. Make Him Feel Young.
  6. Always Ask for His Opinion.
  7. Explore Common Interests.
  8. Always Keep Your Cool.

What will happen if you lie about your age?

Applicants who lie about their age to qualify for these jobs could be prosecuted for making false or fraudulent statements and face a fine or imprisonment. A lie that is discovered even decades later could prevent a worker from filing a lawsuit against the employer or could limit potential damages.

Is it bad to lie to a guy about your age?

Yes it is bad. The biggest reason it’s bad is that you open the guys up to sexual assault charges of statutory rape. You are a minor, they are not. Even if you want them, it is still considered rape in most states.

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