What does the elapidae family consist of?

What does the elapidae family consist of?

The family Elapidae includes cobras, mambas, and sea snakes (see Marine Envenomations). In North America, the family is represented by the coral snake Micrurus spp. (Color Plate 8-14). The venom of many members of the elapid family is predominantly neurotoxic.

What are the four families of snakes?

According to the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (http://www.itis.gov/index.html), venomous snakes belong to the infraorder Alethinophidia, superfamily Caenophidia, and are classified into four families: Viperidae, Atractaspididae, Elapidae, and Colubridae.

Is Black Mamba an Elapid?

The elapid family includes mambas, the cape cobra and red spitting cobra. Mambas are the longest venomous snake in Africa, growing to lengths up to 14 feet. The black mamba gets its name from the coloring of its mouth.

How many species of Elapids are there?

There are approximately 300 species of elapids in the world and all are venomous. They are found in tropical or subtropical areas.

How many snakes are in the elapidae family?

elapid, any of about 300 venomous species of the snake family Elapidae, characterized by short fangs fixed in the front of the upper jaw. Terrestrial elapids generally resemble the more abundant colubrids, whereas aquatic elapids may possess paddle-shaped tails and other structures adapted to marine environments.

Is the coral snake an elapidae?

Coral snakes belong to the reptilian family Elapidae. Two genera of coral snakes are indigenous to the United States.

What is the order for snakes?

Scaled reptiles

Which group does snake belong to?

Snakes belong to the animal class reptiles. This group also includes crocodiles, lizards, and turtles. Reptiles are cold-blooded animals that raise their body temperature by lying in the sun or lower it by crawling into the shade.

Are Kraits cobras?

PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS. The cobras, kraits (KRYTS), sea snakes, death adders, and other members of this family are venomous (VEH-nuh-mus), or poisonous, snakes that vary in length from just 7 inches (17.8 centimeters) to 16 feet, 8 inches (5 meters). Some elapids are brightly colored; others are not.

Are all Australian snakes elapids?

The elapids are the front-fanged venomous snakes. All Australia’s dangerously venomous land snakes belong to this group as do the sea snakes. The terrestrial elapids are a mixture of live-bearing and egg-laying species. There are 49 species of terrestrial elapids in Queensland and around 23 species of sea snakes.

How many snakes are in the Elapidae family?

Qual é a família das víboras?

A família Viperidae (Filo Chordata, Classe Reptilia ), as famosas víboras, constitui um dos mais notáveis grupos de serpentes do mundo, compreendendo cerca de 362 espécies, e apresentando ampla distribuição geográfica .

Quais são os dentes da Viperidae?

Os seus dentes, curvos, podem injectar veneno profundamente no corpo da presa. São sensíveis à radiação infravermelha, conseguindo detectar as presas devido ao fato de estas terem uma temperatura diferente do meio onde se encontram. As Viperidae tem habitualmente atividade noturna. O seu tamanho varia muito, a Lachesis muta chega a atingir 3,6 m.

Quais são as espécies de viperídeos?

Para o Brasil, são registradas 32 espécies de viperídeos, sendo 2 do gênero Bothrocophias (Amaral, 1935), 28 do gênero Bothrops (Wagler, 1824), 1 do gênero Crotalus (Linnaeus, 1758) e 1 do gênero Lachesis (Linnaeus, 1766) , conhecidas popularmente como jararacas ( Bothrops e Bothrocophias ), cascavéis ( Crotalus) e surucucus ( Lachesis ).

Por que as víboras são serpentes?

As víboras são caracterizadas pelo seu complexo mecanismo de inoculação de veneno e nesta família estão as serpentes causais da maior quantidade de acidentes ofídicos da América , sendo, portanto, de grande importância médica .

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