What does UseDefaultFiles do?

What does UseDefaultFiles do?

UseDefaultFiles is a URL rewriter that doesn’t actually serve the file. Enable Static File Middleware via UseStaticFiles to serve the file. Based on this, it’s important to first setup the URL rewriter ( UseDefaultFiles ) before serving the actual file ( UseStaticFiles ).

What is Wwwroot folder?

The wwwroot folder is the root of your web site. That is, http://some.hostname/ points to wwwroot, all URLs for static content are relative to the wwwroot folder. Code files should be placed outside of wwwroot.

What is UseStaticFiles?

UseStaticFiles(IApplicationBuilder) Enables static file serving for the current request path. UseStaticFiles(IApplicationBuilder, StaticFileOptions) Enables static file serving with the given options.

How do I add wwwroot to Visual Studio?

Right-click on the project and “Add” a folder. Name it wwwroot, Visual Studio automatically generates an icon on wwwroot folder. Under wwwroot folder, “Add” 3 more folders with the names CSS, JS and lib.

How do I get wwwroot?

You can get the application base path and wwwroot folder path from IHostingEnvironment service. If you want to get the same in your controller, then define a constructor and inject IHostingEnvironment service and assign it to a variable.

How do I add wwwroot to project?

What is UseSpaStaticFiles?

UseSpaStaticFiles(IApplicationBuilder) Configures the application to serve static files for a Single Page Application (SPA). The files will be located using the registered ISpaStaticFileProvider service.

What is IHostingEnvironment?

What is IHostingEnvironment. The IHostingEnvironment is an interface for . Net Core 2.0. The IHostingEnvironment interface need to be injected as dependency in the Controller and then later used throughout the Controller. The IHostingEnvironment interface have two properties.

What is UseDeveloperExceptionPage?

UseDeveloperExceptionPage(IApplicationBuilder) Captures synchronous and asynchronous Exception instances from the pipeline and generates HTML error responses.

How do you make wwwroot?

In order to add the wwwroot folder, right-click on the project and then select add => new folder option and then provide the folder name as wwwroot. Once you created the folder then please have a look at the folder symbol as shown below.

What is usedefaultfiles and how does it work?

UseDefaultFiles is a URL rewriter that doesn’t serve the file. With UseDefaultFiles, requests to a folder in wwwroot search for: The first file found from the list is served as though the request included the file’s name. The browser URL continues to reflect the URI requested. The following code changes the default file name to mydefault.html:

What is the difference between usestaticfiles and usedefaultfiles?

UseDefaultFiles must be called before UseStaticFiles to serve the default file. UseDefaultFiles is a URL rewriter that doesn’t serve the file. With UseDefaultFiles, requests to a folder in wwwroot search for: The first file found from the list is served as though the request included the file’s name.

How do I use usedefaultfiles with wwwroot?

With UseDefaultFiles, requests to a folder in wwwroot search for: The first file found from the list is served as though the request included the file’s name. The browser URL continues to reflect the URI requested.

What is the use of useusefileserver?

UseFileServer combines the functionality of UseStaticFiles, UseDefaultFiles, and optionally UseDirectoryBrowser. The following code enables the serving of static files and the default file.

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