What does Veemon Digivolve into?

What does Veemon Digivolve into?

Veemon is a Hand-To-Hand Neutral type, Rookie level Digimon. It digivolves from Koromon and Bukamon and can digivolve into ExVeemon, Veedramon, Meramon, and GoldVeedramon.

Can DNA Digivolve Stingmon and ExVeemon?

Paildramon can also DNA digivolve from ExVeemon and Stingmon, if the base Digimon (only ExVeemon) is at least level 36, with 80% friendship, and 230 attack.

What is Dinobeemon Digivolve?

Dinobeemon digivolves from Stingmon and can digivolve into TigerVespamon. In order to digivolve or degenerate into Dinobeemon, your Digimon must be at least level 29 with 100 speed, but only once you have revived Dinobeemon and ExVeemon and befriended a Stingmon.

What does Stingmon Digivolve into?

Stingmon digivolves from Tentomon, Falcomon, and Wormmon, and can digivolve to Infermon, Okuwamon, and Paildramon.

What is the first Digivolution of Veemon?

Flamedramon was Veemon’s very first Digivolution, achieved almost as soon as Veemon was unsealed in the first episode of Digimon Adventure 02. Davis Motomiya ‘s will to protect Kari Kamiya from an attacking Monochromon initially evoked the Digi-Egg’s power, allowing Veemon to armor digivolve to Flamedramon to destroy Monochromon’s Dark Ring.

How did Veemon evolve into flamedramon?

Flamedramon was Veemon’s very first Digivolution, achieved almost as soon as Veemon was unsealed in the first episode of Digimon Adventure 02. Davis Motomiya ‘s will to protect Kari Kamiya from an attacking Monochromon initially evoked the Digi-Egg’s power, allowing Veemon to Armor Digivolve to Flamedramon to destroy Monochromon’s Dark Ring.

What Digimon can exexveemon Digivolve into?

ExVeemon is a Hand-To-Hand Neutral type, Champion level Digimon. It digivolves from Veemon, Hackmon, and ClearAgumon, and can digivolve into AeroVeedramon, MetalTyrannomon, Garudamon, and can DNA Digivolve into Paildramon with Stingmon. If the poop gauge hits max, it will digivolve into PlatinumSukamon.

Who is Veemon in Digimon Adventure?

Veemon, along with Hawkmon and Armadillomon, are the three Digimon of ancient times who were sealed away by the Harmonious One Azulongmon, to be awakened again in a time of crisis. Veemon was freed in the first episode of Digimon Adventure 02 when Davis Motomiya lifted the Digi-Egg of Courage.

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