What is a compound stimulus test?

What is a compound stimulus test?

Summation (or Compound Stimulus) Test present the CS- in combination with a new. CS+ that signals the US. conditioned inhibition is indicated if the CR to CS+ is less when CS- is present than when CS+ is presented alone.

What is a retardation test in psychology?

Definition. The retardation of acquisition test is one of two widely accepted tests for whether a stimulus functions as a conditioned inhibitor (see summation test for the other). In the retardation test, a stimulus is first trained as a putative conditioned inhibitor.

What is retardation acquisition test?

Retardation-of-acquisition test A test procedure that identifies a stimulus as a conditioned inhibitor if that stimulus is slower to acquire conditioned excitatory properties than a neutral comparison stimulus.

What is the function of a conditioned inhibitory stimulus CS -)?

In a conditioning experiment, the presence of an inhibitory conditioned stimulus (CS−) may identify the trials on which an excitatory conditioned stimulus (CS+) will not be followed by the unconditioned stimulus (US).

What is compound conditioning psychology?

What is compound conditioning? The pairing of several stimuli with an unconditioned stimulus.

What does overshadowing mean in psychology?

n. in classical conditioning, a decrease in conditioning with one conditioned stimulus because of the presence of another conditioned stimulus. Usually a stronger stimulus will overshadow a weaker stimulus.

What is bidirectional response system?

Bidirectional Response System. Certain behavioral responses are bidirectional – responses can be in opposite direction from baseline behavior. – EC = change in behavior in 1 direction; IC = change in behavior in the opposite.

How does evaluative conditioning work?

Evaluative conditioning is defined as a change in the valence of a stimulus that is due to the pairing of that stimulus with another positive or negative stimulus. Evaluative conditioning thus refers to attitude formation or change toward an object due to that object’s mere co-occurrence with another object.

What is conditioned inhibition in psychology?

Conditioned inhibition is a Pavlovian learning phenomenon in which a stimulus that predicts the absence of an otherwise expected outcome comes to control an organism’s responding.

What is a conditioned response in psychology?

In classical conditioning, the conditioned response is the learned response to the previously neutral stimulus. The previously neutral stimulus will then evoke the response all on its own. At this point, the response becomes known as the conditioned response.

What is higher order conditioning in psychology?

Higher Order Conditioning Higher-Order Conditioning is a type of conditioning emphasized by Ivan Pavlov. It involves the modification of reaction to a neutral stimulus associated with a conditioned stimulus that was formerly neutral. This indicates that the stimulus can be changed and that salivation will still occur.

What is an example of compound stimulus?

4.2.5. Overshadowing and Blocking There are times when we are presented with two or more stimuli simultaneously, called a compound stimulus. We might, for instance, be presented with a light and a sound at the same time.

What is a stimulus response in conditioning?

Respondent conditioning occurs when we link or pair a previously neutral stimulus with a stimulus that is unlearned or inborn, called an unconditioned stimulus. Note that this form of learning also goes by the name classical conditioning or Pavlovian conditioning in honor of Ivan Pavlov.

Can pigeons accurately match the time duration of compound stimuli?

On compound tests, the vertical or horizontal line was presented for 2 or 10 seconds, and either the line orientation dimension was tested by presenting yellow and blue comparisons, or the time duration dimension was tested by presenting red and green comparison stimuli. The pigeons were unable to accurately match the duration of these compounds.

What is the theory of stimulus analysis?

The theory clearly argues for differential attention to stimulus dimensions; because the strengths of all analyzers sum to a constant value, as one analyzer is strengthened, others must be weakened.

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