What is a DD Form 200 used for?

What is a DD Form 200 used for?

The DD Form 200 is used to document the financial liability process for lost, damaged or destroyed Government property.

Who initiates a DD Form 200?

e. The FLO will: (1) Promptly initiate the investigation by initially interviewing the hand receipt holder of the lost property or whoever has the most knowledge about the lost property. Submits a DD Form 200 to the Appointing Authority within 5 calendar days of the loss being reported.

What is DD Form 200 Navy?

A DD 200 Form is used by the Department of Defense (DOD) to record information regarding financial loss related to property owned by the federal government. It is also referred to as a Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss form.

Who is the approving authority for a Flipl?

The appointing authority then forwards the FLIPL to the approving authority. The approving authority, usually a Colonel or above (most often a brigade or regiment commander or a division or installation chief of staff), approves or disapproves the FLO’s recommendation.

Who initiates a Flipl?

FLIPL are normally initiated by the commander, accountable officer, or hand receipt holder of the property in question. The FLIPL is then forwarded to the appointing authority in the chain of command of the person responsible for the property.

What is a DA 200 army?

DA Form 200, Transmittal Record, is an official form issued by and used within the United States Army in order to keep a track of transmittal records of Army property shipped from a receiving party to a shipping party. An up-to-date blank DA 200 fillable form is available for download below.

What happens if you are missing CIF gear?

If you’ve lost gear, you’ll have the option to pay on the day you turn everything else in or receive a statement of charges. Should you find the gear you lost, you can turn it in within a year and get your money back.

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