What is Claymaster board?

What is Claymaster board?

Jablite Claymaster (Clay Heave Protection) is a product that provides protection against clay heave. Jablite Claymaster works by surrounding the pile cap with a layer of low density, compressible, expanded polystyrene, reducing pressure on the ground beams as the surrounding clay expands and contracts.

What is a heave board?

The Jablite Ground Heave Protection boards are a cellular-structured void former that is precision-cut from EPS (expanded polystyrene). The boards are manufactured in a range of thicknesses to meet the application – Beam, Slab or Insulated Slab. Protects buildings against upward pressure caused by ground heave.

What are Clayboards used for?

Clayboard® Residential is a unique, environmentally friendly void former and foundation system to protect against clay heave and ground movement.

What is Claylite?

Claylite is a green coloured low density expanded polystyrene compressible fill board which acts to absorb movement between ground and concrete foundations to alleviate pressure on structures caused by clay. heave, shrinkage or other soil movement.

What is Claymaster used for?

As an integral part of the Cordek solution to ground heave, Claymaster is used to protect against lateral heave, typically on the inside face of piled ground beams or deep trench fill foundations.

Is Jablite the same as Claymaster?

Claymaster is different to Jablite insulation. You place the boards on the inside face of external walls with a 500mm return into internal walls.

How do you stop heaves?

How to stop dry heaving

  1. Hydration. Taking very small, slow, sips of plain water can help a person rehydrate.
  2. Electrolytes.
  3. Relax and rest.
  4. Food as tolerated.
  5. Ginger.
  6. Isopropyl alcohol.
  7. Plain carbohydrates.
  8. Antiemetics.

How do you install a Claymaster board?

Claymaster boards are laid in the bottom of the trench, ensuring that the full width of the trench is lined and that the boards are butted tightly together. Where concrete piles protrude into the trench, the Claymaster boards should be neatly cut to fit, or factory-cut sections should be used.

Do I need Claymaster?

For piled ground beams, Claymaster is generally only required on the inside face of external ground beams, as indicated in the NHBC guidelines. Typically the material will be placed against the face of the beam after striking of the formwork and prior to backfilling.

What is Jablite claymaster (clay heave protection)?

Jablite Claymaster (Clay Heave Protection) is a product that provides protection against clay heave. Shrinkable clays are soils containing a large proportion of mineral particles of less than 0.002mm in diameter.

Is claymaster approved in UK?

Claymaster has been assessed by the British Board of Agrment according to Regulation A2, and found to reduce the effects of the expansion of clay soils which might impair the stability of a building. It has been approved for use under ground beams and against the sides of deep-trench fill foundations; Certificate number 90/2543.

What is the best clay heave protection?

Jablite Claymaster (Clay Heave Protection) is a BBA certified product that provides protection against clay heave. Shrinkable clays are soils containing a large proportion of mineral particles of less than 0.002mm in diameter.

Will claymaster degrade in the presence of high levels of water?

It will not degrade in the presence of high levels of ground water or precipitation Claymaster has been assessed by the British Board of Agrment according to Regulation A2, and found to reduce the effects of the expansion of clay soils which might impair the stability of a building.

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