What is CSPro?

What is CSPro?

Major international projects such as the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS), and Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) CSPro is a software package designed for Microsoft Windows, combining the features of two previous DOS-based software packages, IMPS and ISSA.

What is csspro?

CSPro contains rich documentation describing the language as well as all of CSPro’s features. CSPro is used in over 160 countries. Leading statistical agencies in the developing world use CSPro to process census data.

How can I use CSPro to collect data?

For example, an organization can collect data using tablet computers with CSPro software or use the data entry tool to key results from paper questionnaires. After data collection, an organization can edit and impute data in CSPro before preparing appropriate analytical tables with the tabulation tool.

Can I use CSPro on Android devices?

CSPro supports data collection on android devices (phones and tablets). The CSEntry Android App works in collaboration with the desktop version of of CSPro. CSPro supports smart data transfer from Android or Windows devices to a server running CSWeb. CSPro is used primarily for data entry, editing, tabulation, and dissemination.

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