What is meant by discriminant validity?

What is meant by discriminant validity?

the degree to which a test or measure diverges from (i.e., does not correlate with) another measure whose underlying construct is conceptually unrelated to it. This is one of two aspects of construct validity, the other being convergent validity.

What is an example of discriminant validity?

A determination along the latter lines is referred to as discriminant validity (de Vet et al., 2011; Streiner et al., 2015). For example, a performance-based measure of walking should be positively correlated with self-reported ability to walk a block.

What is a good discriminant validity?

Discriminant validity (or divergent validity) tests that constructs that should have no relationship do, in fact, not have any relationship. If a research program is shown to possess both of these types of validity, it can also be regarded as having excellent construct validity.

How do you find the discriminant validity?

To establish discriminant validity, you need to show that measures that should not be related are in reality not related. In the figure below, we again see four measures (each is an item on a scale).

What is divergent construct validity?

Divergent validity helps to establish construct validity by demonstrating that the construct you are interested in (e.g., anger) is different from other constructs that might be present in your study (e.g., depression).

What is divergent validity in assessment?

In psychological testing, Divergent Validity is used to determine if a test is too similar to another test. If a test is found to correlate too strongly (or be too similar) with another test then it suggests that the tests are measuring the same thing and are too alike to be considered different.

Why is divergent validity important?

Is divergent validity the same as discriminant validity?

The term “ divergent validity” is sometimes used as a synonym for discriminant validity and has even been used by some well-known writers in the measurement field (e.g., Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994) although it is not the commonly accepted term.

What is known group validity?

Known groups validity is a form of construct validation in which the validity is determined by the degree to which an instrument can demonstate different scores for groups know to vary on the variables being measured.

What is Htmt discriminant validity?

Discriminant validity means that two latent variables that represent different theoretical concepts are statistically different. A frequently applied approach for assessing discriminant validity is the Fornell-Larcker criterion (Fornell & Larcker, 1981). The HTMT is a measure of similarity between latent variables.

What should be Htmt value?

HTMT values close to 1 indicates a lack of discriminant validity. Using the HTMT as a criterion involves comparing it to a predefined threshold. If the value of the HTMT is higher than this threshold, one can conclude that there is a lack of discriminant validity. Some authors suggest a threshold of 0.85 [13].

What are the 4 types of validity?

In this lesson, we’ll look at what validity is, why it is important, and four major types of validity: face, construct, content, and predictive validity.

What are examples of validity?

The concept of validity was formulated by Kelly (1927, p. 14) who stated that a test is valid if it measures what it claims to measure. For example a test of intelligence should measure intelligence and not something else (such as memory).

What are the types of validity evidence?

There are at least three types of validity evidence: construct validity, criterion validity, and content validity. For a researcher trying to gather validity evidence on an instrument, all three types of validity should be established for the instrument. Each type of validity evidence will be described in turn.

What is convergent and divergent validity?

Convergent validity tests that constructs that are expected to be related are, in fact, related. Discriminant validity (or divergent validity) tests that constructs that should have no relationship do, in fact, not have any relationship.

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