What is my postal code Nigeria?

What is my postal code Nigeria?

States & Postal Codes

State Code
24 Lagos 100001
25 Nasarawa 962001
26 Niger 920001
27 Ogun 110001

What is Oyo State Postal Code?

By postal code

LGA District / area Postal code
Oyo West Oyo Rural 211101
Saki East Agbonle 203108
Saki East Ago Amodu 203103
Saki East Ogoro 203107

Where is the zip code 23401 located at?

Keller23401 / CityKeller is a town in Accomack County, Virginia, United States. The population was 178 at the 2010 census. Wikipedia

How to know your postal/ZIP code in Nigeria?

Visit postcode.com.ng homepage

  • Click on the state you’re located in
  • Select your local government
  • Search for your town
  • Is there a ZIP code for Nigeria?

    The zip code for Nigeria is 00176-0000 and please not that these codes are equivalent to the ZIP codes used within the US. Another thing you should know is that Zip code is not too different from Postal code, only that Zip code is only used by The US while other countries including Nigeria, UK, France, China etc use Postal code.

    What is the International ZIP code for Nigeria?

    Never enter 234 as the ZIP code for Nigeria. This is Nigeria’s international phone dialling code. (Whenever you’re required to enter a ZIP code, simply use 110001, 23401, or 00176.)

    What is the postal code of Abule-Egba Lagos Nigeria?

    Area: Abule Egba , Lagos , Lagos State. Associated Zip Code : 100276 . District Name: Area: Abule Egba Local Government Area: Lagos State: Lagos State Associated Zip Code : 100276. Street name Zip Code Gowon Estate St. 100276 Ipaja Rd St. 100276 Wole Omotosho St St. 100276 Afoke St St. 100276 Makinde St St. 100276 Ogunjimi St St. 100276 Olaomi St St

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