What is retention window in RMAN?

What is retention window in RMAN?

When a backup retention policy is in effect, RMAN considers backups of datafiles and control files as obsolete, that is, no longer needed for recovery, according to criteria that you specify in the CONFIGURE command. You can then use the REPORT OBSOLETE command to view obsolete files and DELETE OBSOLETE to delete them.

How do I set retention policy in RMAN?

By default, this is the setting on which RMAN works, using only the most current backup copy. Depending on the requirement, the number of copies can be changed using the configure command like the following: RMAN> configure retention policy to redundancy 2; In the above example, the redundancy has been set to two.

What is a backup retention policy?

A Backup Retention Policy determines the retention time of data, archival rules, data formats and the permissible means of storage, access and encryption, while weighing legal and privacy concerns against economics and ‘need to know’ concerns.

How do I crosscheck backup in RMAN?

To crosscheck specified backups:

  1. Identify the desired backups that you want to check by issuing a LIST command. For example, issue: LIST BACKUP; # lists all backup sets, proxy copies, and image copies.
  2. Check whether the specified backups still exist.

What is the most common backup retention policy?

The most common method of long-term retention is through backups. Here, we will look at a simple, fictitious example of HR payroll systems and records which will be kept for 7 years. Retention: Daily – 31, Weekly – 52.

How do I delete obsolete RMAN backups?

To delete obsolete backups:

  1. Connect RMAN to the target database as described in “Connecting to the Target Database Using RMAN.”
  2. Delete all obsolete backups, including backup sets and image copies, using the following command: DELETE OBSOLETE;

How do I know if my backup is obsolete?

Reporting on Obsolete Backups To report obsolete backups: Start RMAN and connect to a target database and recovery catalog (if used). Execute the CROSSCHECK command to update the status of backups in the repository compared to their status on disk.

How remove expired backup in RMAN?

To delete expired backups:

  1. Connect RMAN to the target database as described in “Connecting to the Target Database Using RMAN.”
  2. Optionally, cross-check backup sets by using the following command: CROSSCHECK BACKUPSET;
  3. Delete expired backups using the following command: DELETE EXPIRED BACKUP;

How do I configure retention and redundancy policies in RMAN?

This policy can be based on a recovery window or redundancy. Use the CONFIGURE RETENTION POLICY command to specify the retention policy. The REDUNDANCY parameter of the CONFIGURE RETENTION POLICY command specifies how many full or level 0 backups of each data file and control file that RMAN should keep.

How to configure retention policy to recovery window of 15 days?

RMAN> configure retention policy to recovery window of 15 days; When we issue this command RMAN will mark obsolete those backups which are older than 15 days. To view backups which have become obsolete according to the current retention policy you can give the following command

What is retention policy and how do I use it?

RMAN makes the identification of these backups very easy using retention policy, which governs which backups are safe to be deleted. Using retention policy, backups are marked as obsolete, which means not required anymore. There are two possible settings for retention policy:

Why it is important to delete backups in RMAN?

In the same manner, it is also important to delete those backups which are no longer required for the recovery. RMAN makes the identification of these backups very easy using retention policy, which governs which backups are safe to be deleted. Using retention policy, backups are marked as obsolete, which means not required anymore.

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