What is $templateCache?

What is $templateCache?

$templateCache is a Cache object created by the $cacheFactory. The first time a template is used, it is loaded in the template cache for quick retrieval. You can load templates directly into the cache in a script tag, by using $templateRequest , or by consuming the $templateCache service directly.

What is Gulp angular templateCache?

miickel / gulp-angular-templatecache Public Concatenates and registers AngularJS templates in the $templateCache.

How do I clear a template cache?

First import the TemplateCompiler. import { TemplateCompiler } from ‘angular2/src/compiler/template_compiler’; Next inject the TemplateCompiler in your constructor. Finally use that to clear the cache.

How do I check $templatecache in angular?

Angular will automatically check $templateCache whenever you use templateUrl in your application or when you specify a template src with ng-include before attempting to retrieve your template from a remote location.

How to access $templatecache in ngangular?

Angular will automatically check $templateCache whenever you use templateUrl in your application or when you specify a template src with ng-include before attempting to retrieve your template from a remote location. Since $templateCache is a service, we won’t be able to access it in the config phase of our app.

How do I specify a template in AngularJS?

In AngularJS, there are multiple ways for you to specify templates in your application. We’re going to go over all of them, and the differences between them, and when you should be using them in practice. In our initial code, we’re passing a string directly into $route for our template that we want to use with our TestCtrl.

How do I access $templatecache in the config phase?

Since $templateCache is a service, we won’t be able to access it in the config phase of our app. The earliest we can access $templateCache is in the run phase for our app. Angular modules can have as many run blocks as needed.

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