What is the bearing capacity of clay soil?

What is the bearing capacity of clay soil?

Gopal Mishra

Types of Soil Bearing Capacity (Kg/m2) Bearing Capacity (kN/m2)
Medium clay 25000 250
Medium, compact and dry sand 25000 250
Compact clay 45000 450
Compact sand 45000 450

Does Clay have high bearing capacity?

Very fine soils (clays and silts) typically have lower capacities than coarse granular soils (sands and gravels). If you have a soil test done, you could discover that you have a denser clay with a much higher bearing strength. Mechanically compacting the soil can also raise its bearing capacity.

What is the typical bearing capacity of soil?

Safe Bearing Capacity values of Different Soils

S.No Type of Soil Safe Bearing Capacity ( kN/m2)
Cohesive Soils
1. Soft shale, hard or stiff clay in a deep bed, dry state 440
2. Medium clay readily indented with a thumbnail 245
3. Moist clay and Sand clay mixture which can be indented by thumb pressure 150

How do you find the bearing capacity of soil?

Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil Testing Procedure:-

  1. Firstly Excavate a pit of required depth. ( preferably equal to the depth of foundation)
  2. Take a square cube of known weight and dimensions.
  3. Now drop the square-cube on the pit with a known height.
  4. Measure the impression made on the pit by square cube using the scale.

Which soil has least bearing capacity?

Bearing capacity is a function of the interlocking of particles and cohesion. Loose gravel has the least interlocking than the rest of the foundation materials.

How many types of bearing capacity are there?

Types of Soil

Types of Soil Bearing Capacity
Loose gravel 250 ( kN/m 2)
Compact sand 450 ( kN/m 2)
Compact gravel 450 ( kN/m 2)
Hard rocks such as granite, 3300 ( kN/m 2)

What is the allowable bearing capacity?

The allowable bearing capacity (qa) is the maximum bearing stress that can be applied to the foundation such that it is safe against instability due to shear failure and the maximum tolerable settlement is not exceeded.

How do you calculate load bearing capacity?


  1. Loads on the RCC Slab. Self-weight= concrete unit weight * Volume of concrete. = 24 * 0.1= 2.4 KN/m2
  2. Loads on the Beam. Self-weight= concrete unit weight* beam width*beam height. =24 * 0.28*0.25= 1.68 KN/m.
  3. Compute Applied Moment. Assume partial fixity of columns.
  4. Geometry of the Original Section.

How do you determine soil bearing capacity?

Answer Wiki. Safe bearing capacity (SBC) of Soil can be find out by (a) Testing the Soil sample in Lab and by conducting ” Plate Load Test ” in the soil .This work can be given to any of the soil testing agency.They will do all kind of experiment by collecting samples .

How to improve bearing capacity of a soil?

METHODS OF IMPROVING BEARING CAPACITY OF SOIL. Increasing depth of the foundation Draining the soil Compacting the soil Confining the soil Replacing the poor soil Using grouting material Stabilizing the soil with chemicals

What is the maximum safe bearing capacity of soil?

Below are the maximum soil bearing capacity of different types of soil: Type of soil safe bearing capacity kg/m2 Maximum . 1- Soft, wet clay or muddy clay-5,000 2- Soft clay -10,000 3- Fine, loose and dry sand -10,000 4- Black cotton soil -15,000 5- Moist clay and sand-clay Mixture-15,000

What is the meaning of bearing capacity of soil?

The bearing capacity of soil is the maximum average contact pressure between the foundation and the soil which should not produce shear failure in the soil. Ultimate bearing capacity is the theoretical maximum pressure which can be supported without failure; allowable bearing capacity is the ultimate bearing capacity divided by a factor of safety.

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