What is the pin of Faridabad?

What is the pin of Faridabad?

About Faridabad. Faridabad is a city located in the Indian state of Haryana and is adjoining New Delhi, the national capital of India. It is a satellite city of Delhi and is considered one of the major industrial suburbs of Delhi NCR. Faridabad NIT HPO PIN code is 121001.

What is the pin code of Sector 37 Faridabad?

Pincode of SECTOR 37 1 TO 1100 AMARNAGAR FARIDABAD HARYANA 121003 Pincode.net.in.

What is the pin code of Faridabad Sector 28?

Pincode of SECTOR 28 MKT SHOP 1 TO 279 FARIDABAD 29 HARYANA 121008 Pincode.net.in.

What is the state of Faridabad?

HaryanaFaridabad / State

What is the pin code of Sector 29 Faridabad?

Faridabad Sector 29 pin code

Office Faridabad Sector 29
Pincode 121008
Taluk Faridabad
Divison Faridabad
District Faridabad

What is the pin code of Faridabad Sector 16?

Faridabad Sector 16 pin code

Office Faridabad Sector 16
Pincode 121002
Taluk Faridabad
Divison Faridabad
District Faridabad

What is the pin code of Sector 17 Faridabad?


Place Pin Code District
Sector 17 Faridabad 121001 Faridabad
Sector-17 Faridabad 121002 Faridabad

How to connect Faridabad with Noida/Greater Noida?

Currently, there are no direct routes to connect Faridabad with Noida/Greater Noida. The other decisions taken during the 2 nd FMDA meeting include a road from Sohna to Ballabhgarh that will connect with KGP via bypass road and a road from Ankheer Chowk to Sector 29 will be extended till Manjhawali Bridge. This will connect East and West Faridabad.

How to reach Gurgaon from Noida?

Gurgaon is located 65 kilometres from Noida. So, roadways are the best to reach Gurgaon. There are only the local Delhi Transport Corporation buses that ply regularly between the two locations, but none of those buses are direct buses. Travellers have to travel half the distance to Badarpur Border and board another bus heading to Gurgaon.

How long does it take from Delhi to Faridabad?

Delhi Faridabad 1 hr, 11.0 mins 37 kms Similar Routes Noida Delhi Noida Gurgaon Noida Sonipat Popular Hotels in Faridabad Hotels In Faridabad Budget Hotels In Faridabad 3 Star Hotels In Faridabad 4 Star Hotels In Faridabad Luxury Hotels In Faridabad Resorts In Faridabad Guest Houses In Faridabad Couple Friendly Hotels In Faridabad

How to reach Gurgaon from Delhi?

Although Delhi Transport Buses ply between the destinations, travellers would have to change their buses to reach Gurgaon; which may be inconvenient for some travellers. Therefore, driving private vehicles or renting a cab or a taxi can be a more suitable option to ensure convenience and comfort.

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