What is the principle involved in the standardization of sodium hydroxide?

What is the principle involved in the standardization of sodium hydroxide?

PRINCIPLE: Standardization of sodium hydroxide is done by acid base titration. When oxalic acid is allowed to react with sodium hydroxide, sodium oxalate and water are obtained. In this titration, to locate the end point phenolphthalein indicator is used.

How do you standardize a sodium hydroxide solution?

A sodium hydroxide solution of approximate concentration (0.2 M) is to be prepared. It is then standardized by titrating it against an accurately weighed sample of potassium acid phthalate (KHP), HOOC-C6H4-COOK , which is a primary standard acidic substance.

What does it mean to standardize the sodium hydroxide solution?

Standardization is the process of determining the exact concentration (molarity) of a solution. In the first standardization the molarity of a sodium hydroxide solution (NaOH) will be determined by titrating a sample of potassium acid phthalate (KHP; HKC8H4O4) with the NaOH.

Why do we standardize solutions?

The so-called titer determination or standardization of a volumetric solution used for titration is one of the most important preconditions for reliable and transparent titration results. Accurate and reliable titration results are only achievable when we work with the exact concentration of the volumetric solution.

Why do we standardize solution?

What does standardizing a solution mean?

Standardizing a solution refers to the process of determining an unknown concentration of substance within a solution.

Why is standardization important in chemistry?

Standardization is used to determine the exact concentration of a prepared solution. Titrations are used to determine the unknown concentrations of samples. Most often, standardization is also done as a titration.

What is meant by Standardisation?

Standardization or standardisation is the process of implementing and developing technical standards based on the consensus of different parties that include firms, users, interest groups, standards organizations and governments.

In this experiment, a sodium hydroxide solution (NaOH) will be prepared. In order to standardize the sodium hydroxide solution, there must be a substance used to standardize against. This substance will be potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP). KHP is an organic acid that is solid and thus, easily weighed.

What is a standard solution of NaOH?

Such solutions are referred to as standard solutions. The reaction between solutions of HCl and NaOH is illustrated by Equation 1. In this experiment, standardization of a NaOH solution will be carried out either using KHP as the primary standard or by using a standard HCl solution of known concentration.

What is the concentration of sodium hydroxide in exp 12B?

Sodium hydroxide solution of about 0.2 M is prepared in order to be used in Exp 12B. The solution is then standardized, that is, its concentration is accurately determined, by titrating it against a weighed sample of known acidic salt, potassium acid phthalate. INTRODUCTION:

How is the concentration of NaOH determined experimentally?

Thus, the actual concentration of the NaOH solution has to be determined experimentally using a process called standardization. To standardize a base solution such as NaOH, an acid whose amount can be determined to a high degree of accuracy (called a primary standard) is needed.

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