What is the STD code of Chandigarh?

What is the STD code of Chandigarh?

The STD code of Chandigarh is 0172. Golden Chennai provides STD codes obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but we do not guarantee their accuracy. Our STD code data are provided without warranty or claim of reliability.

What is the area code for 01146?

01146 is not an area code in its own right. The area code is in fact 0114, and the following 6 is part of the local number. So 01146 should actually be written 0114 6, although it makes no difference when dialling the number. For more information on 0114 numbers, see the page for the 0114 area code

How do I call a mobile number in Chandigarh?

If you are in India and not in Chandigarh state you can call mobile phone networks by dialing 0 before the 10 digit mobile number. 0172 is the STD code for Chandigarh which is not required while calling mobile networks in India. What is the country calling code of India? The country calling code for India is +91. 0172 Which city STD code?

Which state has the STD code 0172?

The state with the STD code “0172” is Chandigarh. What is the STD code of Chandigarh? The STD code of Chandigarh is 0172. Golden Chennai provides STD codes obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but we do not guarantee their accuracy. Our STD code data are provided without warranty or claim of reliability.

Chandigarh Std Code Number, Punjab

Location STD Code State
Chandigarh 0172 Punjab

What is STD Code of Himachal Pradesh?

Himachal Pradesh STD Codes

City STD Codes ISD Codes
Shimla 0177 091-177
Solan 01792 091-1792
Spiti 01906 091-1906
Sundernagar 01907 091-1907

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