What was the main purpose of Ncfte 2009?

What was the main purpose of Ncfte 2009?

The National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education, 2009 (NCF 2009) is a Government of India draft. However, its sole purpose is to propose any changes or updates that the National Council for Teacher Education requires. Moreover, the National Council for Teacher Education is an Indian Government body.

How do you write curriculum objectives?

Tips For Writing Effective Learning Objectives

  1. Learning objectives should be student-centered.
  2. Make sure to use simple language all learners can understand.
  3. Keep the learning objective statement brief.
  4. Match the learning objective to the level of your students.
  5. Write objectives with outcomes in mind – not content.

What are the national objectives of education?

The goals of Nigerian education is build: a free and democratic society, a just and egalitarian society, a united, strong and self-reliant nation, a great and dynamic economy and a land full of opportunities for all citizens; and the Nigerian’s philosophy of education therefore is based on: the development of the …

What is the function of national curriculum framework?

The National Curriculum Framework (NCF) provides the students as well as the society a set of plan of what students have to learn and are expected to achieve at the end of their secondary schooling. The main aims of the framework are to: fulfill the needs of the students. fulfill the needs of the country.

How do you write a curriculum framework?

How to Write a Curriculum from Start to Finish

  1. Determine your vision and intention for the curriculum.
  2. Outline your overarching topics.
  3. Review any current curriculum to determine what to keep and what to retire.
  4. Organize your standards based on the topics and timeline.

What are the main objectives of national curriculum framework for teacher education?

Objectives of the framework Curricular Areas of Initial Teacher Education. Sample Redesigned Schemas of Current Teacher Education Programmes. Evaluating The Developing Teacher. In-Service Education and Continuous Professional Development.

What is Ncfte 2009 and what are its implications for teacher education?

The NCFTE, 2009 focused on the following concerns of teacher education before making the Curriculum Framework— a) Professionalization of teacher education. b) Preparing teacher educators. c) Research and innovation in teacher education. d) Open and distance learning (ODL) in Teacher Education.

What are national objectives?

The aims, derived from national goals and interests, toward which a national policy or strategy is directed and efforts and resources of the nation are applied. See also military objective.

What is the most important objective of education?

The first and the foremost objective of education is “to complete the socialization process.” Though family is a great source of socialization, yet in modern times it leaves much undone in the socialization process.

What is the National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education?

The National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education, 2009 (NCF 2009) is a Government of India draft. However, its sole purpose is to propose any changes or updates that the National Council for Teacher Education requires. Moreover, the National Council for Teacher Education is an Indian Government body.

What was the 2012 National Curriculum Framework Working Group?

72 On 1st August 2012 the Minister for Education and Employment appointed a Working Group with the terms of reference to: (i) Assess the feedback received with regard to the draft National Curriculum Framework (NCF). (ii) Conclude on the feedback received and make changes as appropriate.

What is Appendix II of the post-consultation National Curriculum Framework?

Appendix II: The Constitution of the Working Group on the Post-Consultation National Curriculum Framework

When did the National Curriculum come into force in the UK?

The majority of this national curriculum was introduced in September 2014, with English and maths coming into force for all year groups from September 2016. The exception is the science curriculum which came into force for year 10 pupils in September 2016, and applies to year 11 pupils from September 2017.

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