What weight is healthy for 6ft?

What weight is healthy for 6ft?

Weight and height guide chart

Height Normal weight BMI 19–24 Overweight BMI 25–29
6 ft (72 in) 140–177 lb 184–213 lb
6 ft 1 in (73 in) 144–182 lb 189–219 lb
6 ft 2 in (74 in) 148–186 lb 194–225 lb
6 ft 3 in (75 in) 152–192 lb 200–232 lb

Is 200 pounds a healthy weight?

Normal or healthy weight is indicated by a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9, overweight is between 25 and 29.9, and obese is 30 and above. For the majority of people who are less than 6 feet 4 inches tall, weighing more than 200 lbs would place them in the “overweight” or “obese” category, according to BMI calculations.

What weight should you be for 6 1?

What’s my ideal body weight and BMI?

Male Female
Height Ideal Weight Ideal Weight
6′ 1″ 166 – 202 lbs. 149 – 182 lbs.
6′ 2″ 171 – 209 lbs. 153 – 187 lbs.
6′ 3″ 176 – 216 lbs. 158 – 193 lbs.

How can I lose 200 pounds fast?

If you want to lose more you will need to re-adjust your daily calorie intake. During this calorie restriction phase you’ll want to begin exercising three or four times a week. When you combine calorie restriction with consistent cardio exercises every week your fat loss will begin to accelerate exponentially.

How much should a 6 foot 1 male weigh?

Height and Weight Chart

Height Weight
5′ 10″ 132 to 173 lbs. 174 to 208 lbs.
5′ 11″ 136 to 178 lbs. 179 to 214 lbs.
6′ 140 to 183 lbs. 184 to 220 lbs.
6′ 1″ 144 to 188 lbs. 189 to 226 lbs.

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