Who are Mearns and Thorne?

Who are Mearns and Thorne?

Dave Mearns is professor of counselling and retired Director of the Counselling Unit of the University of Strathclyde. Brian Thorne is Emeritus Professor of Counselling at the University of East Anglia, Norwich where he was previously Director of Counselling and of the Centre for Counselling Studies.

What are the key concepts of person-Centred Counselling?

These three key concepts in person-centred counselling are: Empathic understanding: the counsellor trying to understand the client’s point of view. Congruence: the counsellor being a genuine person. Unconditional positive regard: the counsellor being non-judgemental.

What are Introjects in person-Centred Counselling?

Introjects are the beliefs, attitudes, judgements or values of another person which are taken into the individual and become part of their self-concept (Thorne, 1996). By seeking approval from others individuals will introject attitudes or beliefs that are contradictory to their own feelings.

What are conditions of worth Carl Rogers?

Conditions of worth is a theory by Carl Rogers, the father of Person-Centred Therapy. Rogers recognised that external factors could affect how we value, or measure, our self- worth based on our ability to meet certain conditions we believe are essential.

What is configuration of self?

‘A configuration of self is a hypothetical construct denoting a coherent pattern of feelings thoughts and preferred behavioural responses symbolised or pre-symbolised by the person as reflective of a dimension of existence within the self’ (Thorne and Mearns, 2000).

What is genuineness in Counselling?

The concept of genuineness in the therapeutic relationship, simply put, calls for therapists to be themselves, and to interact authentically and sincerely with their clients.

Is Gerard Egan person-centred?

The skills-based model of therapy developed by Gerard Egan is an active, collaborative and integrative approach to client problem management. It shares some characteristics of the cognitive-behavioural school and is firmly grounded in the core conditions of the person-centred approach.

What is an example of Introjection?

Introjection occurs when a person internalizes the ideas or voices of other people-often external authorities. An example of introjection might be a dad telling his son “boys don’t cry”- this is an idea that a person might take in from their environment and internalize into their way of thinking.

Why is genuineness important in Counselling?

In being authentic, the therapist shows they are trustworthy, which helps in building a good therapeutic relationship with the client. It also serves as a model for clients, encouraging them to be their true selves, expressing their thoughts and feelings, without any sort of false front.

What was Carl Rogers theory?

Carl Rogers (1959) believed that humans have one basic motive, that is the tendency to self-actualize – i.e., to fulfill one’s potential and achieve the highest level of ‘human-beingness’ we can. Carl Rogers believed that for a person to achieve self-actualization they must be in a state of congruence.

How did Mearns and thorns develop the concept of counseling?

Mearns & Thorns developed the concepts with their experiences with people who need their helps. Person-centered theory had many similarities to the existential approach. The book, Person-centered counseling in action, seemed a good training method for counseling therapist.

What is your personal reaction to Mearns and thorns’ theory?

My personal reaction to Mearns and Thorns’ theory includes several concepts that I would like to implement in my career. After reading the book, I realize their theory is based on Rogers’ theory, Client-centered therapy. They quote Rogers’ terms to explain what it means and develop their own meanings.

Who has the power in a counselling session?

If counsellors are expected to remain objective and be congruent with a client then that must mean that the power is with the client for the most part of the session. Mearns and Thorne (2004) state that there should be a balance within counselling sessions and this would seem to agree with what the above quotation states.

Are therapists person centred?

The therapist is non directive, so client centred. Basic theory: assiduous attention to process, & uniqueness of the client. Context: an increasingly depersonalised, mechanised culture, of short term goals, technical upgrades and advancements and experts. Distrust of experts runs deep among person centred practitioners.

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