Who coined the phrase your neck of the woods?

Who coined the phrase your neck of the woods?

In 1911 – The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations lists the phrase as early 20th century. The earliest reference that I can find is to a 1911 recording of a song with that name, composed by Seymour Furth and sung by Ada Jones and Billy Murray. It was used in English music hall songs.

Is it neck or nick of the woods?

The plural form of neck of the woods is necks of the woods.

Where does the saying neck and neck come from?

So close that the advantage or lead shifts from one to the other or is virtually indistinguishable, as in The two are neck and neck in developing a new operating system for the computer. The term comes from horse racing, where the necks of two horses in competition appear to be side by side.

What brings you to this neck of the woods?

Someone or something that is from your neck of the woods is from the same part of the country as you are. It’s so good to see you. What brings you to this neck of the woods?

What is the meaning of blood thicker than water?

Definition of blood is thicker than water —used to say that a person’s family is more important than a person’s other relationships or needs.

Where does neck and neck come from?

What does dig your heels in mean?

refuse to
Definition of ‘to dig one’s heels in’ If you dig your heels in or dig in your heels, you refuse to do something such as change your opinions or plans, especially when someone is trying very hard to make you do so. It was really the British who, by digging their heels in, prevented any last-minute deal.

What does standing toe to toe mean?

(also stand toe to toe, be toe to toe) mainly US. to be willing or able to compete or fight with someone in a strong, forceful, determined way: We had a good candidate who stood toe to toe with the President and beat him in three debates.

What is the origin of the phrase ‘neck of the woods’?

So, originally, *neck of the woods* meant a stretch of woodland. Sometime in the first half of the 19th century, people started referring to the settlements in remote wooded areas as a particular *neck of the woods*. The first print evidence of the expression is in 1839: “In this neck of the woods” (*Sprit of Times* 15 June 175/2, 1839).

How is it in your neck of the woods?

‘In my neck of the woods’, to my ear, tends to suggest ‘in my neighbourhood’, therefore is quite colloquial, as opposed to ‘on this side of the pond’, or ‘in this part of the world’. It’s well used in BE, although the distinctly AE ‘in the hood’ is catching on, albeit it has a rather ironic slant to it.

What does the idiom neck of the woods mean?

Idiom – Neck of the woods Meaning – A neighborhood or nearby area. This expression usually refers to the area where somebody lives. A wood is an area of land covered with trees.

What is the meaning of your neck of the woods?

neck of the woods. A neighborhood or region, as in He’s one of the wealthiest men in our neck of the woods. Originally (mid-1800s) alluding to a forest settlement, this colloquial term is now used more loosely, for urban as well as rural locales.

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