Should war always be avoided?

Should war always be avoided? It should be avoided when the reason to fight for is not as good such as for land. Also war must be avoided if it does not follow the just war rules set by religions. It can be waged to save lives and save countries from dictators. It is always […]

How long do battles usually last?

How long do battles usually last? Combats between individual groups of infantry seem to last about 15-20 minutes in this era. For example, in the Battle of Liegnitz, there were 6 distinct engagements between groups of Austrian and Prussian infantry, in a battle lasting around two hours. What were the 3 outcomes of the Battle […]

How much pocket money should you get?

How much pocket money should you get? You can base your decision about how much pocket money to give on: what household chores you expect your child to do. what your family budget will allow. how old your child is – for example, you might give a five-year-old $5 per week and a seven-year-old $7 […]

Where is excel in program files?

Where is excel in program files? 1) Excel is located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office. Click the “EXCEL” icon to open it. Alternatively, use the search tool accessible from the start button on your desktop to locate “EXCEL”. What are the basic formulas in Excel? Seven Basic Excel Formulas For Your Workflow SUM. The SUM function. […]

Does texting kill attraction?

Does texting kill attraction? It doesn’t matter if you’re texting, making phone calls or using Morse code; too much texting or over communication on any device is going to lower attraction. That’s even more so the case if you, as a man, are the one doing a majority of the initiating. What is the use […]

Why do I avoid human contact?

Why do I avoid human contact? When people actively avoid social interaction, it’s usually because they feel threatened by it. You could be too protective of your reputation, or you are afraid prople are gonna hurt your feelings. You might have had a bad history with many people or had little social interaction in your […]

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