How much does it cost to expunge a summary offense in PA?

How much does it cost to expunge a summary offense in PA?

Take our online eligibility test to find out exactly how you can remove your criminal records.

Summary Offense Expungement Our Law Firm Typical Law Firm
Price* $1,295.00 $1,500.00
Money-Back Guarantee** 100% No
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What offenses can be expunged in PA?

The expanded list of offenses that are now eligible to be expunged includes substance-related offenses such as DUI’s and controlled substance and drug paraphernalia possession, as well as 2nd-degree misdemeanors such as larceny, identity theft, and reckless endangerment.

What does pa do with records if they are expunged?

If your petition for an expungement is successful, your criminal record will not disappear entirely; law enforcement and licensing agencies still have access to that information. The record will, however, be sealed from prospective employers, landlords, education admissions offices and the public in general.

How long does expungement take in PA?

The overall process can take anywhere between four and six months with the exception for minors who may see their expungement taking effect immediately as well as persons who participated in Section 17 probation who will see expungement take effect automatically.

Who is eligible for expungement in PA?

If you are 70 years old or older and have been arrest-free for 10 years since being convicted, any conviction — misdemeanor or felony — on your record is eligible for expungement.

Is a summary offense a probation violation in PA?

There are two general categories of probation violations in Pennsylvania: technical violations and new criminal offenses. Almost any new criminal charge, including summary offenses and relatively minor misdemeanor offenses, are also probation violations.

How long can you go to jail for a summary offense in PA?

In Pennsylvania, a summary offense carries a maximum penalty of 90 days in jail and a $300 fine, though specific fines may be set out by law for certain offenses. For some summary offenses, such as underage drinking, a conviction may also carry a mandatory license suspension.

Can I still expunge my summary offense?

Summary offenses can be expunged much more quickly than a standard felony or misdemeanor offense. When a person wishes to expunge their summary offense, the following must apply to their situation: At least 5 years have passed since their conviction The defendant has completed their assigned sentencing

Is there DUI expungement in PA?

ELIGIBILITY FOR DUI EXPUNGEMENT IN PENNSYLVANIA. Not all guilty pleas and convictions are eligible for expungement.

  • DUI EXPUNGEMENT LIMITATIONS. When an expungement is completed,the records are not erased entirely.
  • Can I expunge a summary offense in PA, after 5?

    Pennsylvania expungement law allows people convicted of a summary offense to have their conviction expunged as long as they were not arrested or prosecuted during the five years after the conviction for the summary offense. A summary offense is not a misdemeanor or felony.

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