What influenced fashion in the 1940s?

What influenced fashion in the 1940s?

Women’s clothes of the 1940s were typically modeled after the utility clothes produced during war rationing. Squared shoulders, narrow hips, and skirts that ended just below the knee were the height of fashion. Tailored suits were also quite popular. Again, these fashions reflected the style of the utility clothes.

What influenced Australian fashion?

The cut and style of overdresses and coats in Australian fashion have been influenced by Chinese and Egyptian surcoats and Japanese kimonos. Formal and informal Chinese surcoats were brought into Australia by Chinese Australians in the latter half of the 19th century.

Who were the famous fashion designers in the 1940s?

American designers in the 1940s such as Claire McCardell, Bonnie Cashin, Brigance and Rudi Gernreich were a pervasive force in fashion history, liberating American fashion from the thralldom of Paris.

What is Australia’s fashion?

Typical Australian dress is regarded as anything that is practical, informal, and casual—T-shirts, practical footwear, moleskin trousers, and wide-brim hats, outfits thrown together without much thought. In some respects, such outfits could be regarded as costume emblematic of Australia’s “bush” past.

What kind of fabric was used in the 1940s?

Good Quality 1940s Suit The most common fabrics were wool, wool blends or wool weight Rayon. The style illustrated did not change throughout the forties so that women did not have to worry about keeping up with the latest fashions.

What was fashion like in the 1940s in the 1950s?

History of Fashion 1940’s – 1950’s. Women were required to make a contribution to the war effort and with women working, a huge impact happened to fashion. After decades of freedom and opulence, economic constraints and a feeling of social responsibility hit the fashion world creating a new utility and austerity: women were in uniform.

What is the history of Australian fashion?

In a huge moment for Australian fashion, this was the first time original fashions designed by Christian Dior were seen outside Paris. The Australian Woman’s Weekly magazine brings together top French and Australian models (‘mannequins’) with the latest Paris fashions at Sydney’s Trocadero nightclub in 1948.

What happened to fashion during World War II?

After Germany took over Paris in 1940, many of the designers closed their fashion houses, some fleeing the country. Those that did stay didn’t see their styles leave the country. The rest of the world was left to come up with their own styles. New York took over, creating a look that was dominated by the war going on across the ocean.

What kind of clothes did men wear in the 40s?

Longer, looser jackets, double pleated pants, big hats, and even wide ties made their way into late ’40s men’s fashions. Men were eager to put the war behind them and embrace the clothing they were previously forbidden to wear.

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