Which rock is more resistant to chemical weathering?

Which rock is more resistant to chemical weathering?

Quartz is known to be the most resistant rock- forming mineral during surface weathering.

What rocks are resistant to weathering?

Igneous rocks are usually solid and are more resistant to weathering. Intrusive igneous rocks weather slowly because it is hard for water to penetrate them. Sedimentary rocks usually weather more easily.

What rocks are affected by chemical weathering?

Some types of rock are easily weathered by chemicals. For example, limestone and chalk are mostly calcium carbonate. When acidic rainwater falls on limestone or chalk, a chemical reaction happens.

Which material is most resistant to chemical weathering?

Not only is quartz the most stable of the common rock forming minerals in chemical weathering, its high hardness and lack of cleavage make it quite resistant to mechanical weathering. Quartz is itself an agent of mechanical weathering in the form of blowing dessert sand.

Which mineral is least resistant to weathering?

Stability of Common Minerals Under Weathering Conditions 1. Table 6.2: Iron oxides, Al-hydroxides, clay minerals and quartz are the most stable weathered products whereas highly soluble minerals like halite are the least stable.

Is Basalt resistant to weathering?

Basalt is largely composed of minerals with little resistance to weathering. Hence, basalt as a whole also tends to disintegrate faster than granite and other felsic rock types. Magnetite is one of the most resistant common minerals in basalt and forms the bulk of heavy mineral sands.

How does rock structure affect weathering?

A rock’s structure also affects its susceptibility to weathering. Massive rocks like granite generally to not contain planes of weakness whereas layered sedimentary rocks have bedding planes that can be easily pulled apart and infiltrated by water.

Which of the following is not an example of chemical weathering?

The correct answer is Corrosion. There are different types of chemical weathering processes such as solution, hydration, carbonation, oxidation, reduction, and biological. Hence corrosion is not a type of chemical weathering.

What is not related to chemical weathering?

Quartz, which is crystalline silica, is the only common mineral that is not strongly affected by chemical weathering. It does not dissolve in water. All other common minerals are either dissolved completely or are partially dissolved and reduced to clay.

Which mineral is most susceptible to chemical weathering?

Pyroxene, amphibole, magnetite, pyrite, and olivine are most susceptible to oxidation because they have high iron content. The ions released from silicate minerals in the weathering process are sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium ions.

What are the two types of weathering of rocks?

This article throws light upon the two types of weathering of rocks. The types are: 1. Chemical Weathering 2. Physical or Mechanical Weathering. Type # 1. Chemical Weathering: Chemical weathering is the basic process by which denudation proceeds.

What is an example of a biological weathering?

Biological Weathering: As interesting as these types of weathering is, one example would be that of lichens that are found in rocks, causing it to open and be more vulnerable to weathering. There can be many weathering agents, like water, ice, acids, salts, plants, animals, and timely changes in temperature.

How to calculate the chemical weathering of feldspars?

Mineral Stability Diagrams and Chemical Weathering of Feldspars Albite Jadeite + Quartz dΔG = ΔVdP – ΔSdT and G, S, V values for albite, jadeite and quartz to calculate the conditions for which ΔG of the reaction:

What are the factors that affect the rate of weathering?

Rates of weathering are also affected by climate. Warm wet climates promote rapid chemical weather­ing. While dry climates inhibit chemical weathering. Dry climates, however, provide good conditions for physical or mechanical weathering. Oxidation is the reaction of oxygen in air or water with minerals in the rock.

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