What is a supplementary view?

What is a supplementary view?

Supplementary views are more related to your data. The collection view layout still decides where to put them, but they are provided by the collection view data source, just like regular cells.

Which view shows the data in grid layout in iOS?

The app presents your photos in grid format. In the pre-iOS 6 world, you have to write lots of code or make use of other libraries in order to build a similar layout. The UICollectionView, in my opinion, is the most spectacular API in iOS 6.

How do you use compositional layout?

Sections and items described in a compositional layout correspond 1-to-1 with the sections and items of our collection view data source. Groups, however, don’t have a data source equivalent, nor do they render content like items/cells. They’re used solely to describe the layout of our items within a section.

How do I add a header to collectionView?

Here’s the breakdown of this method:

  1. Handle the UICollectionView.
  2. Dequeue the header using the storyboard identifier.
  3. Check that the view is the right type and, if not, simply return it.
  4. Set the search term as the text on the view’s label.
  5. Assert in the case that the kind was not what was expected.

What are supplementary views in Swift?

The UICollectionViewFlowLayout, that our app is using, already provides optional header and footer views for each section. Here the header and footer views can be referred as the supplementary views of the flow layout. By default, these views are disabled in the flow layout.

How do I make my UICollectionView scroll horizontal?

Add a UICollectionView to your view controller using the story board or programmatically. Add constraints to the newly added UICollectionView. It’s important to have a fixed height for this collection view as it will scroll in one direction. Set the scroll direction to horizontal.

What is the uicollectionview app?

The app presents your photos in grid format. In the pre-iOS 6 world, you have to write lots of code or make use of other libraries in order to build a similar layout. The UICollectionView, in my opinion, is the most spectacular API in iOS 6.

How to enable multiple selection in uicollectionview?

UICollectionView supports both single and multiple selection. However, user is allowed to select single item by default. The allowsMultipleSelection property of UICollectionView class controls whether multiple items can be selected simultaneously. To enable multiple selection, the trick is to set the property to YES.

What is a uicollectionviewflowlayout?

By default, the SDK comes with a UICollectionViewFlowLayout class that organizes items into a grid with optional header and footer views for each section. The UICollectionView class manages an ordered collection of data items and presents them using customizable layouts.

How to create a uicollection reusable view of the footer?

For the Collection Reusable View of the footer, set the identifier as “FooterView”. By default, both header and footer views are associated with the UICollectionReusableView class.

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