What is a artillery attack?

What is a artillery attack?

During military operations, field artillery has the role of providing support to other arms in combat or of attacking targets, particularly in-depth. Broadly, these effects fall into two categories, aiming either to suppress or neutralize the enemy, or to cause casualties, damage, and destruction.

What does it mean to attack with artillery fire?

1. artillery fire – fire delivered by artillery. cannon fire. firing, fire – the act of firing weapons or artillery at an enemy; “hold your fire until you can see the whites of their eyes”; “they retreated in the face of withering enemy fire”

What does artillery mean in war?

artillery, in military science, crew-served big guns, howitzers, or mortars having a calibre greater than that of small arms, or infantry weapons.

What does artillery do when it hits?

Most artillery rounds are designed to create some kind of shrapnel when they explode. So, if a piece of shrapnel hits any of those spots, it will likely cause cell death and then human death.

What is foot artillery?

Until the early 20th century, field artillery were also known as foot artillery, for while the guns were pulled by beasts of burden (often horses), the gun crews would usually march on foot, thus providing fire support mainly to the infantry.

What is artillery firing tables?

Definition of firing table. : a table giving the elements of standard trajectories for a particular gun and type of ammunition and for effects produced by conditions (as of temperature or wind) that are not standard.

What is artillery in the Army?

Artillery and missile officers manage personnel and weapons operations to destroy enemy positions, aircraft, and vessels. They direct artillery crew members as they position, maintain, and fire guns, cannons, howitzers, and rockets. They normally specialize by type of artillery.

What do artillery soldiers do?

What is an artillery battalion called?

Historically the term “battery” referred to a cluster of cannon in action as a group, either in a temporary field position during a battle or at the siege of a fortress or a city. Such batteries could be a mixture of cannon, howitzer, or mortar types.

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