
How to succeed locations

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Hello to all. Today, we are going to see the phase of pre-production tracking.

The identification phase is the search of the premises that will constitute the filmic space of your short film. In our humble level, all places are not accessible. It will therefore have to give particular care to this task to find places that have the best ratio of quality/accessibility.



Outside, you are normally supposed to request permissions for location shoots, but for some cases, it may be more interesting to turn to the street in a small team. If your shooting is a simple exercise (premise of film-making more ambitious), I will recommend you even to spend in addition to the permissions !

In the interior, on the other hand, you have no choice. You are forced to have the permission, even if I has already arrived to turn to the sly at my university or in the toilets of a Mcd and a movie (I got caught for it..).

Unless you ailliez excessively means it will try to play on the goodness of your contacts who will be willing to possibly lend you the places free of charge. I encourage you still to give a fifteen euros to the person as payment for your needs gourment electricity during the day of shooting.


How to make a good identification

Here are the points to which you should pay attention when your locations :

The plastic quality

For this, you need to do with your biases of achievement if it is you the real. Arm yourself with the cutting technique and see if the locations match what you imagine. If you are not the developer, ask him to make you an accurate description of what he wants and then take photos of places that fit this description. If ever the place pleases him, he will sooner or later.

The ambient noise (traffic, wind, work, etc)

Even if the place is perfect, it is necessary to take into account the ambient noises that it may have. If these noises are not desired in the film, it will be necessary to consult your chief sound operator to see if they are not too bothersome.

The tilt relative to the sun and see the light

The sun moves and your place will not have the same illumination as a function of the moments of the day. Ask your head op you make it a priority in this kind of places so to tell you what time he should turn for such lighting.


Is this a place where you can easily get a permit to film or so a place it would be too complicated to have to see it simply impossible ? If you ever opted for the sly, it will be necessary to then ask whether the sequence and the place where its conducive to this kind of shooting is fast and discreet.

The place around

Is it that the filming of this sequence will be long ? Do you need a lot of equipment and many technicians ? If ever the answers to these questions are positive, it will be the place to deposit and keep your equipment, park your car, and also place a table governed is essential to a shoot, along with the world.

The passage

Might you have a high rate of passage and therefore looks camera that will require you to restart your taken ?

The temporal variation

Is it that the places that you have found will always be like that for the day and the hour where you turn ? This data is very important and you might have surprises if you do not take care.

Once you have validated all your shooting locations, I encourage you to return with the chief operator and possibly the sound engineer. If they can’t really move, try to send movies and photos to both so they could see the moods of their respective fields.

I hope that this article will be helpful to you. Please do not hesitate to react, it encourages me to continue to publish regularly.


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