What are the 4 student learning outcomes?

What are the 4 student learning outcomes?

The following examples of academic program student learning outcomes come from a variety of academic programs across campus, and are organized in four broad areas: 1) contextualization of knowledge; 2) praxis and technique; 3) critical thinking; and, 4) research and communication.

How do you develop student learning outcomes?

Helpful Hints

  1. Focus on the student–what the student will be able to do by the end of the course or program.
  2. Describe outcomes, not processes or activities.
  3. Start each outcome with an action verb.
  4. Use only one action verb per learning outcome.
  5. Avoid vague verbs such as know and understand.

What are examples of outcomes?

The outcome is the final result of something, or the way things end up. When a team wins a game 2-1, this is an example of a winning outcome for the team.

What makes a good learning outcome?

Good learning outcomes are focused on what the learner will know or be able to do by the end of a defined period of time and indicate how that knowledge or skill will be demonstrated. be able to classify cells from microscopic images.

What are specific learning outcomes?

Course-specific learning outcomes (also sometimes referred to as learning objectives or course-specific goals) are clear statements that describe the competences that students should possess upon completion of a course (Simon and Taylor, 2009; Anderson et al., 2001; Harder, 2002; Kennedy et al., 2006).

What are some examples of student outcomes?

Student Outcomes. For example, higher employment rates, lower incarceration rates, better health, reduce dependency on social services, and increased civic participation—e.g., higher voting rates, volunteerism rates, or charitable giving—have all been correlated with better education.

What is a good learning outcome?

Good learning outcomes focus on the application and integration of the knowledge and skills acquired in a particular unit of instruction (e.g. activity, course program, etc.), and emerge from a process of reflection on the essential contents of a course. More specifically, good learning outcomes:

How can we enhance learning outcomes?

Traditional Approach to Learning.

  • Improving Fluid Intelligence.
  • Technologies to Enhance Learning.
  • Transfer to Learning.
  • Integrating New Learning Interventions.
  • What are measurable outcomes examples?

    EXAMPLES OF MEASURABLE OUTCOMES: Skill: The student will assess a child’s knowledge of word recognition strategies using an informal reading inventory. Attitude: The student will demonstrate self awareness through the identification of internal values, strengths and weaknesses, and the initiation of change by utilizing resources for personal and professional growth.

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