What age can you get married in Uganda?

What age can you get married in Uganda?

eighteen years
According to 1995 Constitution of Uganda article 31. (1) Men and women of the age of eighteen years and above, have the right to marry and to found a family and are entitled to equal rights in marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.

What is the youngest child bride?

Nujood Ali was just an eight-year-old child when her father arranged for her get married. She was one of 16 children. She loved school and playing games with her brothers and sisters. NUJOOD ALI (Translation): Suddenly I was married.

Does Uganda have child marriage?

Uganda has the sixteenth highest prevalence of child marriage in the world, and tenth highest absolute number of child brides totalling to an estimated 4 million. Current statistics indicate that 34 per cent of women are married before the age of 18 and 7.3 per cent before the age of 15.

Which country has the youngest brides?

Niger has the highest overall prevalence of child marriage in the world. However, Bangladesh has the highest rate of marriage involving girls under age 15. South Asia is home to almost half (42 per cent) of all child brides worldwide; India alone accounts for one third of the global total.

What are the types of marriage in Uganda?

Today, different marriages in Uganda are being governed by different sets of legislation, for instance, the church or civil marriages by the Marriage Act (1904); Muslim marriage by the Marriage and Divorce of Muhammedans Act (1906); Hindus Marriage by the Hindus Marriage and Divorce Act (1961) and customary marriages …

Can 13 year olds marry?

Most states have a minimum marriage age for minors with parental consent, ranging from 12-17 years old. However, California and Mississippi do not have minimum ages for minors to be allowed to marry with parental consent. New Hampshire: Age of consent to marry with parental consent for males is 14; for females is 13.

What state can you marry at 12?

1 state has a minimum age of 12 years old for females and 14 years old for males:Massachusetts. 2 states have a minimum age of 14: Alaska, and Vermont. 3 states have a minimum age of 15: Hawaii, Kansas, and Maryland.

Are there arranged marriages in Uganda?

Arranged according to culture In Uganda, arranged marriages remain common but not quite as widely spread, as rumours that someone’s marriage may have been arranged are not taken very well.

What country has the worst child marriage?

Effects on each gender In Niger, which is estimated to have the highest rate of child marriage in the world, about 3 in 4 girls marry before their 18th birthday. Boys are sometimes married as children, almost always to a female minor. UNICEF states that “girls [are] disproportionately affected by the practice.

Who can marry in Uganda?

The constitution of Uganda provides that men and women of the age of 18 years and above have a right to marry and form a family and are entitled to equal rights before, during and after the marriage has been dissolved.

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