How do you draw a tiger head?

How do you draw a tiger head?

A Tiger (Head View) Draw a circle for the main section of the head. Draw an inverted triangle with two lines at both sides for the nose. Draw two circles for the upper mouth. Draw a series of ovals for the lower mouth and ears. Draw curves on both sides of the head of your tiger. Draw the eyes with circles attached to curved triangles.

How to draw a tiger head?

Take a pencil and sketch out the circle as a guide for the tiger’s head.

  • In the upper part of the circle,draw the ears of the tiger and in the lower part draw the muzzle with the help of a circle.
  • Let’s add a few basic details. Draw the lines in the ears.
  • Continue the lesson about how to draw a tiger’s head. Let’s make the drawing more detailed. Draw the cheekbones and shaggy cheeks of our tiger.
  • Here we erase all unnecessary auxiliary lines and make the lines of our drawing clearer. Drawing of tiger’s head is almost ready,remains only add strips and shadows.
  • Now let’s work with the strips of our tiger. Start with the stripes on the muzzle. Next draw the stripes that surround the face of our big cat.
  • There remains the last step in which we add shadows with hatching and draw long and slightly curved whiskers.
  • How do you draw a tiger easy?

    Step 1: Begin by drawing the outline of the head and jaw of the tiger. Step 2: Draw in its nose and start of the first front leg. Step 3: Finish drawing the front leg and sketch the rear, tummy, and back leg. Step 4: Complete the back leg and draw in the eyes, mouth and second front leg.

    How to sketch a tiger?

    I decided to use a 2B charcoal pencil for my sketches but just about any pencil will work for this tutorial.

  • Lightly and roughly start developing basic features. Starting with the eyes is usually a safe bet when drawing animals.
  • Start adding more defined,bolder lines over your light sketch.
  • Finish up your sketches by adding rough but even shading to your tigers. With these basic sketches done you can now move on to the more complex one.
  • As with the previous sketches start out with basic forms/shapes. Remember to use rounded shapes when sketching organic forms.
  • Roughly sketch in the tiger’s basic features: the eye,ears,nose,snout. Develop its basic outline as well.
  • Start sketching in the tiger’s stripes and building its features. Work your way from top to bottom.
  • Sketch in the rest of the tiger’s features. Try not to get to too carried away with details. Erase any unneeded lines.
  • Blend over your drawing using some paper towel or a cloth. You can add charcoal/graphite to your blending tool in order to make your shading darker.
  • Use an eraser to add in highlights and sketch in the lighter fur. Try to sketch in some whiskers as well using the eraser.
  • Start finishing up your sketch by working from top to bottom. Darken your shading and add a few hints of fur.
  • Finish up your sketch by adding details to the rest of the tiger’s head and cleaning up your borders and lines.
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