What was Protagoras argument about punishment?

What was Protagoras argument about punishment?

Having reached this position, Protagoras continues on the subject of punitive justice: to punish a wrongdoer for a past deed is illogical, for the punishment cannot undo the crime.

Why is punishment not necessary?

Punishment only results in a fear of being punished. This β€œβ€¦is not an effective deterrent unless there is a real chance of being caught.” Additionally, when a child feels ignored, punishment can act as a reward for poor behaviour (3).

What is the Retributivist theory?

Retributivism is first and foremost a theory of punishment. The retributivist thus believes that the sole just end of punishment is to make the morally blameworthy suffer the sanctions we call punishment. Contasting theories of punishment are the utilitarian and the rehabilitative theories of punishment.

Who believed that human being is both a soul and body?

Augustine believed the soul AND the body make up a human. He asserted that the soul is immortal because it possesses truth.

When was Plato’s Protagoras written?

In Plato’s Protagoras (317c) he says that he is old enough to be the father of anyone present, including Hippias and Prodicus. This confirms that he was one of the earliest sophists and suggests the 490s BCE as his birth year.

Why the punishment is important?

Specific deterrence prevents crime by frightening an individual defendant with punishment. Incapacitation prevents crime by removing a defendant from society. Rehabilitation prevents crime by altering a defendant’s behavior. Retribution prevents crime by giving victims or society a feeling of avengement.

Why is punishment necessary in society?

1. General deterrence. Knowledge that punishment will follow crime deters people from committing crimes, thus reducing future violations of right and the unhappiness and insecurity they would cause.

Which theory of punishment believes that punishment is justified because it is deserved?

retributive theory
A simple retributive theory holds that the justification of punishment is simply that offenders deserve to be punished – for no further reason than that they have done wrong.

What is proportional Retributivism?

Proportional retributivism requires that punishments be proportional to crimes, so, for example, that society give its worst crimes its worst punishments.

What is deterrent theory of punishment?

A deterrence theory of punishment holds that the institution of criminal punishment is morally justified because it serves to deter crime. Because the fear of external sanction is an important incentive in crime deterrence, the deterrence theory is often associated with the idea of severe, disproportionate punishment.

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