What is the SIC code for telecommunications?

What is the SIC code for telecommunications?

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes

SIC Code NAICS Code Description
4812 513322 Cellular and Other Wireless Telecommunications
4813 Telephone Communications except radio
4813-02 51333 Telecommunications Resellers
4822-06 51331 Video Conferencing

What is SIC code 4812?

Establishments primarily engaged in providing two-way radiotelephone communications services, such as cellular telephone services.

What is SIC code 3471?

SIC Code 3471 – Electroplating, Plating, Polishing, Anodizing, and Coloring.

What is SIC code 1623?

SIC Code 1623 – Water, Sewer, Pipeline, and Communications and Power Line Construction.

What is SIC Code 48?

SIC Code 48 – Communications This major group includes establishments furnishing point-to-point communications services, whether intended to be received aurally or visually; and radio and television broadcasting.

What is SIC code 4813?

4813 Telephone Communications, Except Radiotelephone. Establishments primarily engaged in furnishing telephone voice and data communications, except radiotelephone and telephone answering services.

What is the Naics code for wireless communications?

NAICS Code: 517312 Wireless Telecommunications Carriers (except Satellite) | NAICS Association.

What is SIC Code 73?

SIC for “73” 7311 – Advertising Agencies. Establishments primarily engaged in preparing advertising (writing copy, artwork, graphics, and other creative work) and placing such advertising in periodicals, newspapers, radio and television, or other advertising media for clients on a contract or fee basis.

What is SIC 7371?

7371 Computer Programming Services. Establishments primarily engaged in providing computer programming services on a contract or fee basis.

How do I Find my SIC code?

Using your NAICS Code to find your SIC Code: Visit the SIC to NAICS Crosswalk Page to Find Your SIC Code. You can enter your NAICS code into the NAICS to SIC Crosswalk tool to find the corresponding SIC Codes. Where there are more than one corresponding code, simply pick the one that best describes your business activities.

Who assigns SIC codes to businesses and how?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics updates the codes every three years and uses SIC to report on work force, wages and pricing issues. The Social Security Administration assigns SIC codes to businesses based on the descriptions provided by employers under the primary business activity entry on employer ID applications.

What is the sic business code?

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are business classification codes that the U.S. government assigns to businesses. SIC coding is used primarily to classify a company’s main industry and line of business. The primary SIC code for a company defines the company’s core industry.

Why do I need a SIC code?

SIC codes are a system for categorising and defining business activities. They are the result of an ongoing attempt to develop as comprehensive a list as possible of the types of businesses that exist in the UK. SIC codes are split into trade groups.

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