What is meant by virginal?

What is meant by virginal?

1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of a virgin or virginity especially : pure, chaste a virginal young girl. 2 : pristine, unsullied a virginal snowfall.

What is the opposite word of virgin?

What is the opposite of virgin?

married active
promiscuous sexually active

What is the masculine form of virgin?

In English the word “virgin” has absolutely zero gender requirements. Virgins are virgins, male or female. It simply means anyone that has not had sexual intercourse. It is quite normal to refer to a male having lost his virginity, or referring to a male virgin, etc.

What is the meaning of virginal?

Definition of virginal. (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of a virgin or virginity especially : pure, chaste a virginal young girl. 2 : pristine, unsullied a virginal snowfall.

What is a virginal in music?

Written By: Virginal, also called Virginals, orPair Of Virginals, musical instrument of the harpsichord family, of which it may be the oldest member. The virginal may take its name from Latin virga (“rod”), referring to the jacks, or wooden shafts that rest on the ends of the keys and hold the plucking mechanism.

Why is it called a virginal keyboard?

The virginal may take its name from Latin virga (“rod”), referring to the jacks, or wooden shafts that rest on the ends of the keys and hold the plucking mechanism. Unlike the harpsichord and spinet, the virginal’s single set of strings runs nearly parallel to the keyboard.

What is the difference between Italian and English virginals?

Italian virginals, often polygonal in shape, differed from the rectangular Flemish and English virginals in having the keyboard centrally placed, thus producing a characteristic mellow tone. Sometimes two virginals were built together, a small one fitting like a drawer into the case of the larger.

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