What does mean be on the same wavelength?

What does mean be on the same wavelength?

phrase. If two people are on the same wavelength, they find it easy to understand each other and they tend to agree, because they share similar interests or opinions.

What is it called when two people are on the same wavelength?

You might call it “good vibrations,” “being on the same wavelength,” or even “a mind meld,” but neuroscience calls it “brain coupling,” and apparently it is a real, measurable, research-validated phenomenon.

How do you say on the same wavelength?

on the same wavelength

  1. adaptable.
  2. appropriate.
  3. consistent.
  4. suitable.
  5. accordant.
  6. congenial.
  7. congruent.
  8. congruous.

Are we on the same wavelength?

If two people are on the same wavelength, they find it easy to understand each other and they tend to agree, because they share similar interests or opinions. We could complete each other’s sentences because we were on the same wavelength.

When you and your friend are on the same wavelength?

According to UCLA and Dartmouth researchers, friends perceive, interpret and respond to the world in a manner that isn’t exclusive to similarities in personality, age, gender, ethnicity or other demographic factors. Simply put, friends are cognitively homophilous, or share similar brain wavelengths.

What does it mean to be on two different wavelengths?

be on the same wavelength/on different wavelengths To be in agreement; to think or behave similarly. I was surprised that we became friends so quickly, but we’re just always on the same wavelength.

Are we on the same frequency?

The “on” is consistent with usages such as on the radio, on the telephone, and on television. That frequency and wavelength correlate in physics is irrelevant to the usage. To say “we are on the same wavelength” will sound strange, at best. TL;DR: “We are on the same frequency.”

Do all waves have the same wavelength?

Every wave has a specific wavelength. This is defined as the length from one wave crest to the next. Different kinds of waves have widely varying wavelengths. In water, surf waves have wavelengths of 30–50 m, and tsunamis have much longer wavelengths (about 100km).

Are on the same wavelength?

What does on the same wavelength mean? On the same wavelength is a phrase that means people are acting or thinking in accord or agreement, The plan went off without a hitch because everyone was on the same wavelength and worked great together.

Can you be on the same wavelength as someone?

When two people experience a deep connection, they’re informally described as being on the same wavelength. When two people experience a deep connection, they’re informally described as being on the same wavelength. …

Can you be on the same wavelength as someone else?

Yes, You Can Really Be On The Same Mental ‘Wavelength’ With Someone. You know the feeling. This feeling is a weirdly intuitive sensation that usually leads you to believe that you’ll get on well with the other person if you’ve just met them, or it can help you empathize and connect to someone you’re speaking to.

What is the meaning of the idiom on the same wavelength?

Meaning of Idiom ‘On the Same Wavelength’. To be on the same wavelength means to have the same ideas and opinions about something; to be in general agreement or accord; to have a rapport; to be thinking in the same ways. 1Chakrabroty, Tarun.

Is the international community on the same wavelength?

It seems that the international community is currently on the same wavelength, that there are no longer differences in approach, political tendency, or even strategy. Concerning your amendments on the school-milk scheme, we are on the same wavelength. I am very pleased that we are on the same wavelength.

What does it mean to be of the same mind?

The idiom ” of the same mind ” long predates “on the same wavelength.” …complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. [Philippians 2:2, ESV]

Are Wendy and her sister on the same wavelength?

Varchione’s sister is nine years older than her, and the two are not close. `We’ve never really been on the same wavelength,’ says Wendy. Note: A radio programme cannot be heard unless the radio is tuned to the correct wavelength.

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