How do I identify an agate rock?

How do I identify an agate rock?

Inspect the surface of the stone for pit marks. Agates sometimes form in igneous rock and are surrounded by softer rock that erodes away, which can result in surface pitting. Slide your fingers into a crack in the stone or a part of the exterior that has worn away. If you feel waxiness, this is a sign of an agate.

Are agates valuable?

Most agates are cheap ($1 – $10), but some can be very expensive ($100 – $3000) depending on their type, colors, and the location where they were found. Tumbled agate is automatically more expensive than raw agate and those with very vibrant colors, fine bands or are found in one place only also cost more.

Where agate is found?

Agate is found throughout the world. In the United States it is produced in several western states; Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana are the chief sources of gemstones. Most agates occur in cavities in eruptive rocks or ancient lavas.

Are all agates banded?

Agate is generally a banded material, and observing bands in a specimen of chalcedony is a very good clue that you have an agate. However, some agates do not have obvious bands. These are often translucent agates with plume-shaped, dendritic or mossy inclusions.

What to look for when looking for agates?

Look for translucence in the stone. If the stone has been broken and you can see telltale traces of a quartz-like mineral along with the red, brown and orange color that comes with many types of agate, there is a good chance that you have an unpolished agate. Examine the stone for banding.

Where can I get agates?

Agates can be found on the beaches of oceans and lakes, along road cuts, and in areas with exposed gravel. In the U.S., agates are most commonly found along the shores of the Great Lakes, the beaches of the Pacific Coast, and in the deserts of many western states.

What is special about agates?

The stone itself is distinguished by impressive shades of natural colors and contrast in the band patterns it contains. The characteristic band patterns—which begin at the center of the rock and move outwards like the rings on a tree—are visually dynamic.

What do agates look like before polishing?

Agate is translucent, which means that only some of the light passes through. When you hold the stone up to a light source, the colors of the agate should shine a little and become more clear. If no light shines through, then the stone is opaque. This indicates that your sample is not agate, but most likely is jasper.

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