How do I make a JTextArea not editable?

How do I make a JTextArea not editable?

In order to create a non editable JTextField , all you have to do is:

  1. Create a class that extends JFrame .
  2. Create a new JTextField .
  3. Use setEditable(false) that sets the specified boolean to indicate whether or not this textfield should be editable.
  4. Use add to add the field to the frame.

Is JTextArea editable?

JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea( “This is an editable JTextArea. ” + “A text area is a \”plain\” text component, ” + “which means that although it can display text ” + “in any font, all of the text is in the same font.” ); textArea. setFont(new Font(“Serif”, Font. ITALIC, 16)); textArea. setLineWrap(true); textArea.

How do I make a textField not editable?

The readonly attribute makes a form control non-editable (or “read only”).

  1. A read-only field can’t be modified, but, unlike disabled , you can tab into it, highlight it, and copy its contents.
  2. Setting the value to null does not remove the effects of the attribute.

How do you make a textField Uneditable in Javafx?

You can call setEditable(boolean) to make the field editable or not and finally the setDisable(boolean) to make the field unable to be clicked etc.

What is the difference between JScrollPane and scrollbar?

What is the difference between a Scrollbar and a JScrollPane? A Scrollbar is a Component, but not a Container. A ScrollPane is a Container. A ScrollPane handles its own events and performs its own scrolling.

How do you make an input box Uneditable?

The readonly attribute can be set to keep a user from changing the value until some other conditions have been met (like selecting a checkbox, etc.). Then, a JavaScript can remove the readonly value, and make the input field editable.

How do you make a textfield not editable in Swiftui?

Swift uitextfield set not editable Setting UITextField not editable or editable, You can enable or disable user interaction on the textfield using this property: textField. userInteractionEnabled = NO;. You should have a Bool Variable. Set it to ‘false’ then when the button is pressed you toggle it to ‘true’.

How do I know if my TextField is empty?

If you have a text field, you normally want a user to enter in something into the text field. So Java allows us to check if a text field is empty or not through the isEmpty() function. You can then do anything after this including prompt the user to enter in something or whatever.

How to make the jtextarea not editable in Java?

To make the JTextArea not editable call the setEditable () method and pass a false value as the parameter.

What is jtextarea textarea?

The text area uses the specified italic font, and wraps lines between words. JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea ( “This is an editable JTextArea. ” + “A text area is a \\”plain\\” text component, ” + “which means that although it can display text ” + “in any font, all of the text is in the same font.”

What is the default model of a jtextarea?

A default model is set, the initial string is null, and rows/columns are set to 0. JTextArea public JTextArea(String text) Constructs a new TextArea with the specified text displayed. A default model is created and rows/columns are set to 0.

How do I fix error textarea seteditable (false)?

The line that causes you the error ( textArea.setEditable (false);) is a statement with a method call, not a statement with a declaration. Declarations are allowed directly in the class, but statements with just a method call are only allowed inside a method. Just move this line into your init () method and it will be fine.

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