What does minus 2 station mean in pregnancy?

What does minus 2 station mean in pregnancy?

Zero station means the head is “engaged” on the cervix and has entered the vaginal canal within the pelvic bones. A negative number (-5 to 0) means that your baby’s head isn’t engaged in the pelvis. During labor, it is common for a baby to be at -3, -2, or -1.

Does station mean labor soon?

Station is a measurement of fetal descent in labor and is measured using vaginal exams. It usually isn’t measured until the last few weeks of pregnancy or you may not hear it discussed until you are in labor.

What does +1 mean in pregnancy?

Positive numbers are used when a baby has descended beyond the ischial spines. During birth, a baby is at the +4 to +5 station. The number differences from -5 to -4, and so on, are equivalent to length in centimeters. When your baby moves from zero station to +1 station, they have moved about 1 centimeter.

What does a negative fetal station mean?

Fetal station indicates the position of the baby’s head in the mother’s pelvis. A negative number (-5 to -1) means the baby’s head is not engaged Fetal station indicates the position of the baby’s head in the mother’s pelvis and indicates the progress of labor. This is represented by a number between -5 and +5.

What is the value of positive and negative?

A positive (the direction you are facing) and a negative (the direction you are moving) result in a negative move. Hence positive × negative = negative Finally, back at zero again, face in the negative direction.

What is the value of-2 minus negative 4?

This would read “negative two minus negative 4”. So we’re changing the two negative signs into a positive, so the equation now becomes -2 + 4. On the number line, it starts at -2. Then we move forward 4 units: +4. class=”green-text”>The answer is -2 – (-4) = 2.

How do you find the negative direction of a step?

Face the positive direction again and take two steps backwards. You are now standing on −2. A positive (the direction you are facing) and a negative (the direction you are moving) result in a negative move. Finally, back at zero again, face in the negative direction. Now take two steps backwards, and then another two backwards.