Admission to a theatrical high school

Many people dreamed of being actors, but there were only a few. Why? Yes, because this stellar, at first glance, profession, it seems that only from the outside. Already on the courses of the stage art, comprehending its initial basics, listeners understand how difficult it is for actors in their craft. But the most stubborn and goal-oriented yet at the end of the road can wait for an ovation and bouquets from admiring viewers. But that’s only when the actor really becomes an actor.

Before you start preparing to enter a theater university, answer yourself honestly, are you ready to put up with a difficult acting fate. Sometimes, in the creative life of the master of the scene, there are “stagnant” periods, when roles are not given, they are not invited to act. Remember the history of the domestic theater and cinema, how many talented people, surviving this period, could not stand the annoyance and frustration of their lack of demand. Or vice versa, when the actor is at the height of glory, speech about personal life, between tours, trips and filming, cannot even be.

But if you think that you are ready for such a fate for the sake of art, then you have to enter a theater university. Even if you are a graduate of the school of theatrical mastery, you have a serious trial. After all, the competition in theater schools has been the biggest one for many years. Boys, that is, boys, in this regard, of course, easier. But the girls have harder. After all, a lot of young talented ladies want to become great actresses.

Therefore, the preparation for entering a theater university should be really serious and responsible. To begin with, you should first of all write a convincing and informative essay about yourself, which you will provide to the admissions committee. For my part, I can say that it is better to provide this work for professionals and simply buy essay online, which will save you a lot of time, which will be needed for further preparation. In the process of choosing a repertoire, try to find something that is most compatible with your role. And it’s nice to have several variants of each of the genres – prose, fables and poems. During a responsible speech before the admission committee do not panic if you are stopped or interrupted. This does not mean that you did not like. Simply masters often put the applicant in an embarrassing position to evaluate his reaction. After all, if you are an actor in the future, then anything can happen on the stage during the performance.

If on the day of the announcement of the results, you did not find your name in the coveted lists, this does not mean that a catastrophe happened. If you are destined to become an actor or an actress, then you can try to enter the next year, and before that take acting courses that will give you a good basic training.

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