Who designed the Partridge Family bus?

Who designed the Partridge Family bus? Painter Piet Mondrian, born in 1872, was an important leader in the development of modern abstract art and a major exponent of the Dutch abstract art movement known as De Still (“The Style”). What kind of bus was used on the Partridge Family? It’s All In The Details “For […]

What is a repo mobile home?

What is a repo mobile home? Repossessed mobile homes are homes that were taken by the bank after the owner could not keep up with payments on the home. How long does it take to repossess a mobile home? Mobile homes classified as personal property can be repossessed in some cases as quickly as their […]

What classification is eagle?

What classification is eagle? Integrated Taxonomic Information System – Report Superclass Tetrapoda Class Aves – Birds, oiseaux Order Accipitriformes – éperviers, Hawks Family Accipitridae Vigors, 1824 – Eagles, Hawks, Kites, aigles, buses, éperviers Genus Haliaeetus Savigny, 1809 – Fish Eagles What are the 7 levels of classification for a eagle? Aquila translates to Eagle, while […]

What muscle is right by your shin?

What muscle is right by your shin? The tibialis anterior muscle is a muscle in humans that originates along the upper two-thirds of the lateral (outside) surface of the tibia and inserts into the medial cuneiform and first metatarsal bones of the foot. It acts to dorsiflex and invert the foot. This muscle is mostly […]

How do I put text above text in HTML?

How do I put text above text in HTML? Highlighting text using overline In the same manner as you can underline text, you can also have an overline, i.e. a line over the text. The overline can only be done i one way: STYLE=”text-decoration:overline”. The style has to be applied on a tag for a […]

What is the square root of of 36?

What is the square root of of 36? 6 √36 indicates the principal (or positive) square root so √36=6 . How do you find the perfect square of 36? 36 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3. Thus, 36 can be expressed as a product of pairs of equal factors. Therefore, 36 is a […]

Can did alters have different eye colors?

Can did alters have different eye colors? However, while the symptoms and diseases can change, it is impossible for outward appearances such as eye color, height, etc to change. This is why most alters become distressed when looking in the mirror… the image in their mind of how they look is vastly different from what […]

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