Which astrantia has the largest flowers?

Which astrantia has the largest flowers? Largest Masterwort, Astrantia helleborifolia. A very large flowered species, Astrantia maxima features tiny soft pink flowers crowded together in a dome-shaped flowerhead, 2-3 in. wide (3-6 cm), just like pins on a cushion, and surrounded by an elegant ruff of broad, pink papery bracts. Do Astrantias self seed? Astrantias […]

What is Tiletamine used for?

What is Tiletamine used for? It is used in veterinary medicine in the combination product Telazol (tiletamine/zolazepam, 50 mg/ml of each in 5 ml vial) as an injectable anesthetic for use in cats and dogs. It is sometimes used in combination with xylazine (Rompun) to tranquilize large mammals such as polar bears and wood bison. […]

Does Straight Talk have a 20.00 plan?

Does Straight Talk have a 20.00 plan? For the ULTIMATE in savings, have a friend join Straight Talk! You’ll enjoy a combined $20 in savings when compared to buying the plans separately. How much is an unlimited plan per month? Comparison of single line unlimited data plans with autopay discounts applied Carrier Unlimited data monthly […]

How do you make a bow and arrow in Minecraft?

How do you make a bow and arrow in Minecraft? Make sure you have a crafting table built. Make sure you have your materials. Arrange your sticks in the crafting table grid. Arrange your strings in the crafting table grid. Craft your bow. What are the best arrows in Minecraft? Arrow of Weakness Arrow of […]

Is my pillow worth buying?

Is my pillow worth buying? We found it to be the most comfortable on one’s back and feel like the medium firmness could be a good fit for that sleeping position. The biggest hindrance to using it for side sleeping is the fact that the chunkiness of the fill is very apparent when pressing the […]

What is the best nootropic for ADHD?

What is the best nootropic for ADHD? Stimulant drugs such as Ritalin and Adderall, as well as the non-stimulant Modafinil are the most effective class of nootropics. These drugs boost awareness in all populations, although the effects differ in those with ADHD, for whom they are commonly prescribed. Can you take multiple nootropics? A combination […]

What is the history of Statoil?

What is the history of Statoil? We were formed in 1972 as the Norwegian State Oil Company, Statoil, and listed on the Oslo and New York stock exchanges in 2001. The Norwegian state retains a 67% share of the company. We merged with Hydro’s Oil and Energy division in 2007. Who are Statoil’s major shareholders? […]

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