What is an 08 number in UK?

What is an 08 number in UK? UK telephone numbers beginning with ’08’ are used by many different organisations. They are commonly used for customer enquiry centres, helplines and chargeable information services. Organisations use 08 numbers because of features which include: Special charge rates – either free-to-call or income-generating. Can mobile numbers start with 08? […]

How do you prove logs concave?

How do you prove logs concave? A smooth function f(x) is log concave if and only if the inequality f ∇2 f ≤ ∇ f ⋅ ∇ f holds everywhere. Does log concave imply concave? Properties. A log-concave function is also quasi-concave. This follows from the fact that the logarithm is monotone implying that the […]

What is the use of Amman Pacharisi?

What is the use of Amman Pacharisi? Amman pacharisi powder is widely used in Tamil Nadu for skin care especially for treating warts, pimples and wounds. All parts of the plant is used for medicinal purposes. The white milky sap that is found in the plant also has medicinal uses. What are the health benefits […]

What is Indian food known for?

What is Indian food known for? Curry is the food most often associated with Indian cuisine, but rather than a single dish, it’s whole, wide category of food. Curries are essentially any dishes with a sauce, which might be based around tomatoes, coconut milk, browned onions or yogurt, always with various spices and seasonings. What […]

What does diced mean in cooking?

What does diced mean in cooking? Dice: Dicing is similar to chopping, except dicing is always finely chopped, consistent in size, and neat in appearance. It’s the precision of the cut that distinguishes dicing from chopping. Feel free to finely chop for home recipes. Julienne: To julienne is to cut food (usually vegetables), into match-sized […]

What did Louis Boutan do?

What did Louis Boutan do? Louis Boutan (1859 – 1934) was a French pioneer in the field of underwater photography. In 1880, he was named deputy head assigned to organize the French exhibit at the Melbourne International Exhibition (1880). He stayed in Australia for 18 months, travelling the continent and identifying new animal species. Where […]

What is diffusion and perfusion in MRI?

What is diffusion and perfusion in MRI? While diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging exploits the translational mobility of water molecules to obtain information on the microscopic behaviour of the tissues (presence of macromolecules, presence and permeability of membranes, equilibrium intracellular-extracellular water, ellipsis), perfusion weighted … How does Diffusion MRI work? In diffusion MRI, magnetic field […]

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